Chapter 15

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As we started out long and quite walk through the Amazon Rainforest,Maximus would not shut up about how excited he was for this. "I'm so excited! And I just can't hide it! And I know,I know,I know I want you,want you!" He sang. "Max please shut up." We all said in union. "Like you guys can sing better?"

He said. Eric and Cles cleared their throats and started singing the song,"I got a feeling." By the Black Eyes Peas. Max's jaw dropped,"It would have been better if Alex were here." Cles said. "I might believe that." I said. "Can you sing?" Eric asked. I gave him a fake laugh,"I can't sing and I don't sing." "Awe sure you can. Everyone can sing,some just suck at it!" Cles said.

I wasn't so sure about that. I could sing actually. Pretty well,but I'm terribly shy about it. "Sing a song that a normal fairy would in fairy language." Eric said a little sweeter than before. I thought about that then said,"Okay just don't laugh though." I said. We had stopped for a break and I had a song in mind. They looked at the ground as I started to sing.

Birds and other small things that could fly flew toward me as I sung. Flowers and other greenery started to get more vibrant and was growing faster. I finished and everything,but the plants,went back to normal.

The guys jaws were dropped and their eyes were wide. I smiled and put a fly away piece of hair behind my ear. When I looked back up,Cles' hand was holding Eric's jaw up and Erics' hand was holding Cles's jaw. "It wasn't that good-" "Not that good? That was awesome!" Eric said. Cles nodded,"Sing like that and be freaking famous by the time your 16." I laughed nervously,"Not really. I don't plan to be like Alice." The guys laughed. I laid back into the warm,plush grass and saw little fairies they flew to my out stretched hand and started to play around.

I smiled and actually forgot about the quest,forgot about everything that was wrong around my life and about my life. I put my hand down just as Maximus walked over to me,"Up Suzy Sunshine." I rolled my eyes and sat up. Eric and Cles sat with their knees up and arms crossed around them. Eric's eyes were white and Cles was staring at a rock.

Once Eric was done his fist clenched. As he started to say something a large rumble went on and the earth cracked between the four of us. And down I fell inbetween the earth.

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