Chapter 48

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[Cles Masons' POV]

While Eric was having his vision,I completely broke down. Mikayla played the fight event and it felt real like it did last year. I have to admit,Mikayla was pretty brave and she had her priorities straight,it was just Alice who screwed her up. Before she cloned herself and was real and not dead,I had a crush on her.

We even gave hanging out a shot and I had a feeling those feeling I buried away about her were resurfacing. But she died and I moved on to Dacara. Now I was confused on who I liked more,Mikayla or Dacara. "So Cles how's camp been?" Lonnie asked bringing me out of my thoughts. Eric was done with the vision and he pulled both Allie and Mikayla away and was talking to them.

"Good. Eric's not as strict. Camp now has a activity center and a paintball arena and a zip line throughout the forest and camp." I said readjusting my spear. Lonnie nodded,"Cool. I hope we can go back." Lonnie wasn't at all like Mikayla or Eric. She was more like Allie. Eric and the girls came back,"We have to find Zeus now." Eric said and he whistled for Maximus.

When he came down Eric instructed that Mikayla and Lonnie get on. "Whoa what the hell!" Maximus said backing up a little. Eric explained to Max while he helped them on his back. "Where are you three going to sit?" Mikayla asked holding on to Max's reigns. Eric went dragon and we climbed on,"Max lead the way so we can find a hearth of some sort and free Zeus and give him the rings." We flew in silence and waited for Max to see something.


"Zeus!" we yelled at him as he sat in a earth made cage. The all might Zeus needed us to save him. Demigods:1 Zeus:0 "Ah young demigods. Did you get what I asked for?" We all handed him the rings and watched them glow. Zeus smiled,"Thank you. Now free me." "Same Zeus just trapped in a cage." Eric said taking one end and lighting it on fire.

"Ouch! Eric stop!" Allie said rubbing her arm that looked like it just got burned. Eric scrunched his brow after he stopped,"Okay maybe Cles should give this a shot." Eric moved out the way and I pulled. Allie wailed in pain and fell beside the cage. "Allie's a fairy and you two idiots are killing her by killing nature! Stop!" Mikayla said jumping off of Maximus and helping Allie by healing her.

Allie stood after Mikayla was done,"What part of stop don't you two get!" She snapped at us. "Hey! In our defense you only told Eric to stop. And I'm not Eric." I said holding my hands up. Allie rolled her eyes and walked to the cage. She put her hands on it and they glowed,along with her eyes. They glowed a weird champagne gold color and it looked awesome.

Allie turned fairy and the cage literally obeyed Allie's every move. The cage was stretched out and Zeus walked out with ease. "Allie sometimes I wish that you were my daughter and not Poseidon's. And apparently Apollo and Hercules need to teach them a thing or two."

"We're standing right here!" we said in union. Zeus hugged Allie after she went demigod and left with the rings on his fingers. "Okay I am officially more awesome than you two. I out rank you guys." Allie said smirking. "You're the quest leader. As you say." Eric said waving his hands around like he just didn't care.

I started to do the same and we somehow turned it into a dance. Mikayla,Lonnie,and Allie looked at us like we came from a different planet. "We're gone for a year and this is how you turn out?" Lonnie asked crossing her arms. Eric nodded,"I had Cles and boom we come up with weird things." I smiled and nodded. "Just as weird as Cles's Cleswich." Allie said crossing her arms and put her weight on her left side.

Mikayla asked what that was and Allie explained while Eric went dragon. "Ew! I think I might gag." Lonnie and Mikayla said. Allie climbed on and we took off. "Wait. Mikayla and Lonnie,where have you two been for the past year?" Eric asked. They went silent till Mikayla said,"Orethon." Eric stopped and Max flew up to were he could see them.

"You mean you two have been closer to me and knew about it! Why didn't you tell me after you left!" Eric asked and I could hear the anger in him. "Because we knew you'd get mad! Dad wants to see you and we were only in Chilé because of your quest. So let's go to Orethon!" Mikayla said looking away. Eric's eyes went white again.

I grabbed Allie and flew up with her and the now human Eric. Lonnie sighed,"Hope he doesn't freak like always." I forgot that when Eric gets told dramatic news that involves him or his family he always has a vision. And usually he freaked. When it was done he let me go dragon and he got on me with Allie behind him. "Where's Orethon?" I asked and Eric gave directions and in silence flew off to see the kingdom of Orethon.

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