Chapter 27

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We got back in time to change into our party clothes. I went into the bathroom to change while the guys in the actual room. I had just got in my dress when I noticed my hair. Fly aways,in a messy high ponytail. "No." I told myself and took out the hair tie. I brushed it and made it look really pretty. I sighed,"I wish I hadn't broken that necklace." I walked out of the bathroom and saw Eric and Cles putting on their jacket.

Eric had his tie around his neck while he buttoned the one button. Cles clearly look like he wasn't enjoying this little get up thing. "If I could I would be wearing jeans and a t-shirt." Cles said and clipped on his tie. Eric rolled his eyes,"Okay whatever floats your boat Cles. Whoa." He said as he saw me. Cles whistled,"Looking a little too good Allie. What are you trying to do? Out pretty us 'cause that's not gonna work." I smiled,"Really Cles? Well you guys look really handsome by the way. I'm surprised that you two are single." "I'm trying to fix that." They said in union.

I nodded and grabbed my flats. I slipped them on and watched Eric tie his tie. He did it effortlessly. "What?" Me and Cles said in union. "What? Jealous 'cause you can't tie a tie?" Eric said and went to put on his shoes. (Him and Cles bought black louvers.) "Okay ready?" He asked after he tied his shoes. Then we headed out the door.

We got in the mile line and waited what seemed like for ever. Once we got up there we told him our names and got in was way less talking than what I had planned. "Flames!" I voice said as we entered a big ballroom with a dj,disco ball,and a very long buffet table.

We turned around and a boy with sandy blonde hair,stormy grey eyes,black tux with a red tie and handkerchief. Eric smiled,"S'up Andrew." They did this weird handshake that looked like a three year old made it. "Ah you haven't changed since your were seven. You still play soccer?" Andrew said smiling. "Yeah. I'm defender. You still play?" "Every now and then yeah. You still number 28?" "Oh yeah. Hey Andrew this is my best friend/brother Cles. And this is Allie." We said our hellos and Andrew smiled at us,"Aw man how did you get a girlfriend without me? Allie you're really pretty by the way." I thanked him,"But I'm not Eric's girlfriend. Just his friend." Andrew nodded and we started to hang out at a table reserved for Andrew and us.

"So Cles you play any sports?" Andrew asked looking at Eric. "Yeah. I play baseball." Cles said and I could hear the jealousy in his voice. "What about you Allie?" He asked. I was wondering why he didn't have an Australian accent. "Yeah. I also play soccer." "Are you on Eric's team?" "No. I'm on a all girls team." Andrew nodded.

"Andrew." I voice boomed. A man walked over with a blonde beard and hair. His skin looked a little dark to be tanned. "Dad did you just get Dorito raped?" Andrew asked finally taking his eyes off me. His dad rolled his eyes and looked at us. "I know that isn't little Eric James looking all grown up. Come here and give a proper handshake my boy." Eric smiled and shook hands with Mr. Henderson.

"And who are these lovely looking people?" He asked. We introduced ourselves while he and now Mrs.Henderson took a seat. I noticed that the ring was on Andrews hand. "Great." I told myself and paid attention to the conversation. "So Allie how long have you known Eric and Cles?" Mrs. Henderson asked me. "Five days." I said weakly. "I'm sorry did you say five days?" "Yes ma'am." "Oh no need to be proper Allie. How about you Cles?" "I've known Eric for eight years and Allie five days." Cles said now uncomfortable.

They nodded and continued to talk to Eric. "I'm so bored." Cles told me telepathically. "Me too." I replied. "Who wants to dance?" The Henderson's asked. We nodded and walked to the floor. Me and Eric somehow managed to get together and I all ready had butterflies. "I don't know how do dance." I said sheepishly. "Don't look down. Just look at me." He said.

I felt my face grow warm. I locked eyes with his and saw how happy he looked. Eric had one hand on my waist the other holding my hand. I knew that I had to put my other hand on his shoulder and when I did my fairy side was going nuts. Screaming like a fangirl.

"Andrew has the ring." I said not looking away. Eric nodded,"I know. He might give it to us without a problem." Taylor Swift featuring Ed Sheeran song Everything Has Changed came on and I got real nervous. The song explained my situation right now.

Andrew tapped Eric's shoulder and asked to cut in. Eric let him and winked at me. Andrew held me the same way Eric had,but a little closer. After we slow danced it was normal dancing. We all got back together and we went to the punch bowl. "Can we leave yet?" Cles asked. "No. Andrew-" I started but Andrew appeared. "Hey Flames. I gotta ask you something. Can you walk with me?" "Yeah. Be right back guys." We watch them walk off.

"I bet he's going to ask for your number." Cles said. But that didn't happen. Andrew was holding Eric's hand,looking into his eyes,and was having a heart felt moment. "Andrew is gay? I don't have a problem with that actually but Eric's going to break his heart." Cles said. I felt bad for Andrew,but he just leaned in and kissed Eric lip to lip.

After the kiss,Eric was telling him something that made Andrew nearly cry. "Here. Take this to remember me by." Andrew said now with tears streaming down his face and threw the ring at Eric and ran off. Eric walked back really red and embarrassed,"Got the ring." He said and handed me the ring. "Hahahaha!" Cles laughed,"You still straight bro?!" Eric punched Cles in the gut and glared at him,"Yes jackass. Don't make fun of him either."

"Did you know he was gay?" I asked as politely as I could. "No...look lets just go before his dad kills me." "Finally." Cles said and we headed to the door. "I'M GOING TO KILL HIM!" Someone bellowed. "Shit,run!" Eric yelled and we did sprints to the door. Everyone got quiet and saw us running.

People started talking about us and how Eric broke poor Andrews heart. "Great he's making me sound like a jerk." Eric muttered. "What did you say to him?!" I asked. "That I didn't like him in that way and I only want our close friendship." Eric said,"Wait! We have the transportation ring! Transport us out of here!" He said just as Mr. Henderson was less than five feet away from us.

The ring glowed and in a second we were in the hotel room.

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