Chapter 6

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[Cles Masons' POV]

After Allies' little breakdown,we were in the cafeteria eating in peace. Dacara and Cassie stayed close to her, you know just to be sure. Anyways,as we were eating I noticed something odd about the six of us. Allie was starting to intense up,Cassie and Dacara were tense. I was laid back like always. Alex looked emotionally damaged. (Would you if you found your sister running away from your family?) and Eric looked worried,tense,and nervous. "What the?" I thought. My thoughts were broken when Alice cleared her throat. "Hey Allie. Are you okay?" Alice said and even I could hear she was faking the whole thing. "Yeah I'm fine. Thanks for the concern." "May I sit?" She said. Allie scooted over and let her sit. "No! No tell her to move NOW!" I thought to myself. "How's everyone doing?" Alice said with the same tone. "Whoa...she's actually being nice. Who bribed you?" Alex said narrowed his eyes. Alice rolled her eyes,"What's wrong with trying to be friends with the newbie? And you guys?" "Are you serious?" I asked cocking an eyebrow. Now her eyes narrowed,"Yes. Well you five I want to be friends. The one I want to be more than friends." Alice said and looked at Eric. "Ew that's gross." Eric said then put a hand over his mouth. I bursted out laughing and so did Alex. Alice didn't change her mood or look. She places a piece of her behind her ear,"Please. What's gross about me?" I stopped laughing just as she asked that. So was Alex. Eric blinked,"Um I rather not say out loud." Once again I laughed. Alice glared at me,"Oh shut up will ya?" Dacara rolled her eyes,"You basically asked for that." She said and went back to eating. "You to Dacara. And don't push me Cassie. Are you going to say anything Allie?" Alice looked at Allie who hadn't said anything to Alice till now. "No," she said slowly,"I'm leaving this mess with you guys." Alice grinned,"We're going to be great friends! Now come with so I can transform you." "Why? I don't want to desert my friends." Allie said. "They can come if it will make you happy." "What are you going to transform about me?" "Not much,just the following:hair,clothes,and add some makeup." Allie scrunched her brow,"I rather not. I'm okay with my looks." Alice looked over to another table while Allie muttered,"I'm not about to look like a Barbie doll." We managed a smile then got rid of it as Alice turned around. "Come on Allie! At least let me curl your hair." Alice whined. Allie sighed,"Fine." Alice smiled and pulled her away. Cassie rolled her eyes,"Great. Alice is at it again. First Mikayla and Lonnie,now Allie." "What do you mean?" Eric asked at the mention of his "sisters" names. "When they were alive they were in our cabin. We were friends till Alice and her group did what they are doing to Allie. They wouldn't even let them talk to us. They forgot about us." Dacara said as glared at Alice. "Maybe Allie's different." Alex said. "Maybe." The girls said and we finished eating in silence.

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