Chapter 21

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Once we hit the beach Eric and Cles changed into what I guess was sleep wear shorts and were shirtless. I tried hard not to gawk at them as they walked toward me. Eric and Cles had six packs forming that were very noticeable. "Gods Eric is really hot!" I thought to myself. "Aren't you going to change? Mortals will question why you aren't in a bathing suit." Cles asked.

I actually forgot about that. "Um I hadn't thought of that. I actually forgot to be honest." I said and grabbed my bag. To my surprise I had a bathing suite packed. "That's weird....where'd this come from." I muttered to myself. I went and changed into swim trunks and a loose yet non revealing tank top. I walked out and found Eric and Cles sitting on beach towels. "Race ya guys?" I asked as I got closer. They looked at me and smiled,"Get ready to go down!" Cles said and stood.

Eric chuckled,"Look Allie do you really want to race us? Cles plays track and runs like a freaking cheetah and I play soccer." I smiled,"Yes and I also play soccer. Lets go big heads." "Go!" Eric yelled and we started to run. The water was closer so I knew I was going to win. I reached the waves first and made them go back. "Hey no fair!" They yelled. I smiled and let it come back. "You suck that doesn't count." "I didn't say that there were rules." I said and backed flipped into the water. The water was cool and refreshing.

I felt more energetic,more vibrant,more Allie Brooks. I popped my head up to find that I swam where my feet couldn't touch the bottom. Eric and Cles were still swimming toward me. To save them energy I went under and swam to them. Fish just wouldn't shut up! A few where screaming,"Humans! Humans everywhere!". Or,"This very spot is where they buried my brother!" I ignored them and saw that the guys had stopped. "Where'd she go?" One of them said. "I don't know. She the daughter of Poseidon so she could have gone WAY out there." Again one of them said. I giggled and grabbed their ankles.

They freaked out a little till they were face to face towards me. They gave me an angry look then a pleading look for air. I let them go and resurfaced with them. "What the heck was that for?" Eric asked raking back his wet hair. "I don't know. Wanted to save you guys energy." I said and started to float away. "Hey if you want to save us energy then come back." Cles said and grabbed my ankle and pulled me back to them. I giggled,"Whatever. I'm still happy getting away from you guys." "Why?!" They asked. I smiled,"Because it's fun." I said and went under.

They took deep breaths and came under as well. Their eyes were red from the salt. I had an idea that I should have thought about before we got into the water. "Follow me." I said and swam away. They popped up and started to follow me. My hair stuck to my forehead and neck. I got to shore and sat in the shallow part till they finally got to me. "Stay here." I said and started to walk away. "Hey we are not dogs!" Eric yelled. "Please? Just for a second." I said and jogged to my bag. "We look stupid." Was the last thing I heard from Cles. I got to my bag and grabbed two gummy bears. (I know not impressive,but the gummy bears have the power to give anyone the ability to breath under water.) I came back and handed them each a gummy bear. "You left us for gummy bears? What the-" Eric started to say. Cles smiled,"You finally decided to curse in front of a girl. Nice going James." I rolled my eyes,"Just eat them." I said and sat beside them. They chewed it and in an instant made faces. "Don't spit it out!" I said.

They managed to swallow it and choke in the process. "What was that flavor!" Cles asked. I rolled my eyes. Sooner or later I would get a headache from doing this. "They have the ability to give non Poseidon kids able to breath underwater." I said and started to walk out towards the non shallow part.


At 9:00 we saw that it was final rehearsal. We somehow managed to get into the parade without anyone noticing us. And surprisingly into the dressing room. "Well which costume do we get out?" I asked. A whole rack of clothes and shoes that looked like they belonged to hookers. "I really don't-" Eric started to say till a worker walked in and said while speaking rapid Portuguese,"Hey you three change into the clothes set out for you over in the dressing rooms!" And slammed the door shut.

"What did he just say?" They asked and looked confused. As I explained and walked over to the dressing room. What I found in the room shook me to my bone. A notoriously short shirt and skirt. A pretty blue green color but I hated how short they were. And the shoes weren't any better. They were 4" heels that I knew I was going to die in. I gulped and put on the costume. Once it was on I looked in the mirror and nearly croaked. My fit stomach was showing because the shirt stopped just below my chest.

My skirt stopped were my butt did. My long tan legs were strapped in the heels that laced up to a little above my ankle. A hat was also in the room. I grabbed it and walked out and sat down on the couch and played with the feathers on the hat. I heard muffled voices say stiff like,"This is the boomdiggidy!" "Who even says boomdiggidy anymore?" "I don't know and I don't care because I say it!" Oh yeah Cles said boomdiggidy and Eric asked. "Are you guys even done?" I yelled to them. "Hold your horses!" Cles yelled. "It takes time to look as good as we do!" Eric yelled with a little snicker.

"Gods I swear you two are girls at times." I said and sat back still playing with my hat. They walked out and stopped I'm front of me. They had on roman style skirts with jewels and glitter. They had on roman style shoes that were the same color as our costume. They were shirtless and had on like a collar that stopped on their collar bone. They had their hats on and sat on either side of me.

"So you were done before us? Since when did girls change fast?" Cles asked and sat back. I just didn't answer. I was feeling so self conscious that I was almost half naked and that the parade was televised which would be broadcasted to Camp Amoren. Lovely right?! "Allie!" They screamed at me. I blinked,"What?" "Weren't you listening to us? We just said what we were going to do for getting the first ring." Eric said and sat up.

"How'd I tune that?" I said to myself. "Anyways here's the plan. We do the parade and do extra moves and grab the ring." Cles said. I nodded and listen to the rest of this plan that I knew I would mess up on.

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