Chapter 37

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Well we got to Daneborg and I swear to the gods we where dressed for Los Angeles,not snow and hail storm.

"We gotta find a before we freeze to death." I said looking around,but only could see the silhouettes of buildings and people.

"Do people speak English here? Or Dutch? Or...gah!" Eric said and jumped to my side.

"Calm down boy!",a voice said with a Canadian accent and came close to us. "I'm Mr. Margo. Proud owner of Mr.Margo's clothes store and market. I saw you three standing here and thought you might needed directions."

All we could do was nod. We followed Mr. Margo into his store and felt the warm air hit us. We stopped shaking and I stopped my teeth chattering.

"You three are evidently out of staters aren't ya?" Mr. Margo said.

Now out of the snow I could see that Mr. Margo had long fair hair,blue eyes,fair beard,and of course fair skin. He wore a thick brown jacket and that's all I could see besides his heavy boots.

"Yep. So you sell junior size clothes?" I asked surprisingly.

"Do I sell junior clothes? Ha kid you're funny. Yes 'round the corner and to the left." Mr. Margo said as he went behind his register.

We walked to clothes and only found jackets,scarfs,boots,and what appeared to be pajamas with built in feet.

"Gods we're going to be here forever." I muttered and blindly ran into a mannequin.

It fell on me and I went crashing down making a scene. The girls in the place giggled,Eric help me up while giggling,"Not funny bro." I said feeling my cheeks grow warm.

Allie was laughing,but she was still looking at the clothes. "Look you made his or her head fall off." Eric said handing me the head.

"I don't want the fake head! Put it back on the mannequin!" I said as I grabbed the head and put it back on,only to have the same thing happen.

Eric laughed and walked away from me. The other people in the store were laughing and a little group of girls stood looking,pointing,and laughing. Eric picked up the mannequin,assembled it back together,and helped me up,"You alright?" He asked holding back his other laughs.

I nodded,"Lets buy some jackets and get outta here." I said. I felt so embarrassed that I thought my face was going to melt off. We got the jackets and went over to Mr. Margo's market to buy sandwich supplies.

I really wanted to just throw random meats and stuff in the basket that Allie was carrying. "I will make a Cles'wich!" I said going down the dressing aisle.

"Uh what's that?" Allie asked holding the basket out as me and Eric started putting dressing in the basket.

"Ranch,Italian,Catalina....what sandwich is this?" Allie asked.

"A Cles'wich. It's a everything sandwich. Everything from peanut butter and jelly to a normal one all in one." Eric said which explained the whole Cles'wich.

Allie looked like gagging,"I'll stick to what I eat on a sandwich." She said walking to the register.

After we paid we put on our jackets and were about to leave when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see that same group of girls that had laughed at me.

"Hi my name is Melanie and this Kayla,Carrie,Jennifer,and Lynn. We saw you fall and we didn't mean to laugh when you fell it just slipped out." Melanie said.

She had brown hair,mesmerizing blue eyes,and fair skin. " problem. I like to make people laugh." I said trying to be smooth.

Eric walked up beside me,"He lives off of making making people laugh." Eric said with one hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah. This is Eric James. My right hand man. And I'm Cles Mason. This is our friend Allie Brooks." I said as I pulled Allie up to the group.

Melanie's jaw dropped,so did the other girls. Allie looked uncomfortable and looked like backing into the wall.

"O-M-GEEE! No freaking way! I thought I'd never meet you!" Melanie said and grabbed Allie in a tight hug.

"Uh how do you know me exactly?" Allie said fixing her hair.

"Aren't you Miranda Brooks oldest daughter?" Jennifer asked excitedly.

"Yes," Allie said slowly,"Is this a bad or good thing?"

"We know your sister! She's here now! Amanda!" Kayla yelled.

Allie smiled,"I don't have sister. I'm an only child."

"No! Amanda Brooks please come to the front!" Lynn yelled.

Allie scrunched her eyebrows as she looked at us,"I think they lost their mind." She muttered.

Allie turned around to see a girl very similar to her. Amanda had long blonde hair,same green eyes,and same facial features. "Hello Allie. I'm your twin sister Amanda Brooks." Amanda said,as mine and the others jaws dropped nearly to the floor.

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