Chapter 17

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We reached Rio by noon and boy was it crowded! Zeus just had to send us when it was Carnival. "Great! No doubt we'll be in the parade!" Cles said. Maximus said he'd be flying around and to just whistle and he'd be there.

"Well. According to this,Carnival isn't till tomorrow night. We have to find a place to stay till then." Allie said and turned to us. "Bro isn't your aunt Monica live here?" Cles asked me. "Yeah," I said slowly,"But she hates me." "Why?" They both asked. As we started walking I told them that my dad and my aunt used to go out,till my dad saw my mom and fell head over heels for her. And then I came along. My aunt and my mom were sisters,well they were till I was born.

"So your dad scorned your aunt,married your mom,had you,and she hates you for this?" Allie asked. "Yep. She only hates me because I'm theirs and not hers." "Is your dad always the player type?" Cles asked. I nodded,"Yeah. Oh there's her house." I said. We reached a beach house that looked like the one from Hannah Montana. On the mail box read:M. James.

"Oh yeah. This is her house." I said and walked up to the door. I knocked and had a felling that she wouldn't let me or the others in. My aunt opened the door. She wore a blue sun dress and matching sandals.

"Hi aunt Monica." I said and waved. "Did your father send you?" She asked coldly. "No. Me and my friends came to you." I said and introduced everyone. Aunt Monica sighed wearily,"What do you need Eric?" "A place to sleep. Just for tonight then we'll be on our way." I said. That feeling returned and a new one was arising,that she hated me so much she wouldn't do this little favor.

She sighed again,"Let me ask Jacob. Come in I guess." We walked in and she disappeared around a corner. The inside was really modern and clean. We sat at the door step just as aunt Monica and another man came walking back.

"Jacob this Eric my nephew and his friends,Allie and Cles. Eric and others this is my husband Jacob Phillips." We said out hellos and stood up. "Yeah they can stay for the night." Jacob said. He had blue eyes,brown hair,and a light brown beard that must have been shaved recently.

"I'll show you to your rooms." Jacob said. We followed his up the stairs. There was a hallway that had two doors on one side and a door in the middle. "You boys will have to share a room and Allie your room is here." He opened the door to the right and let Allie walk in. He then opened the other door and in the room was two beds and one dresser,nightstand,and lamp. "The bathroom is the door in the middle. Let me know if you three need anything." And he left.

Me and Cles put our stuff down and peaked out into the hall. Once we thought it was safe we walked over to Allie's room. Allie sat on the bed and was playing with a necklace she just put on. "Whatcha thinking about?" Cles said and sat on her left. I sat on her right. "Having a flash back. This reminds me a lot about being in foster care." "How so?" Cles asked. "Walking in, being shown my room,and leaving two weeks later." Allie said and sighed.

It must suck knowing that one little mistake and send you back to the place you want to escape. "How long have you been in foster care?" I asked. "Eleven years." Was her reply. "Our own mother gave you up at age 1?!" Me and Cles asked. "I was turning one three days later. I spent my first birthday with strangers." Allie took a shaky breath,"I haven't seen her since. I don't know if she's alive,dead,missing. I don't even know her name or what she looks like. My dad,Charles,he can't leave where he's at and that's why I'm still in foster care." Allie stopped playing with her necklace and looked at the floor nearly crying.

Me and Cles looked at each other. "What about Alex's parents? They have you don't they?" Cles said. "Yeah but since I ran away they have the option to keep me,or give me back. I know this all too well so I just know I'm getting put back into that stupid girls home!" She threw her sword and it stuck in the dresser. "Nice shot. Anyways...what if we helped with this whole thing?" I asked.

Allie looked at me,"What can you two do? Only people 21 and over can walk into the building unless you're with a family or bring brought back." "Invisibility." We said in union. But Allie shook her head,"Look I appreciate everything you guys are trying to do but it's not going to work so can we drop the whole thing and pretend this conversation didn't happen?"

I sighed,"Whatever you want Brainy." And me and Cles left her alone.

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