Chapter 54

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[Cles Masons' POV]

All movement in Eric's body stopped. He sat slummed in the chair not breathing. Bryan put a ear to his chest,"No,no,no,no. Come on son come back!" Bryan's eyes filled with tears as he checked his pulse.

Allie walked around from behind Eric and sat beside me. Bryan gave up and cried into Eric's chest holding Eric closer to him, muttering over and over,"I'm sorry. I love you." Tiffany hugged Bryan as we watched Eric continue to die.

I was calm though. My best friend was dead and I was fine with that!

"Why isn't he breathing?" I asked Allie telepathically.

"I don't know. He was fine when the thing left." I could see the fear in Allie's eyes.

She thought she had killed Eric. The thing was a huge grey mass of demented voices and actions with multiple red eyes. The thing growled and left the room in an angry manner and its growl put the fear of the gods in us.

"Hey you didn't kill him alright? You did everything you could. When you were going to stop Eric said no. You didn't kill him." I said again telepathically.

Allie sighed and put her hands to her eyes and cried. I looked back at my buddy. Sweat glistened off his skin,his hair was stringy and hung in his face,his skin was pale and looked like it was glowing. Wait...Eric was glowing. Allie stopped crying and looked over to me and then to the glowing Eric. All of Eric was a golden gold color and he seemed to be restored by it.

His chest moved up and down and we could hear his deep breath he took. Eric groaned then moved his arms and rubbed his eyes before looking at us,"You guys thought I was dead?" he sounded so cocky for giving us a scare like that.

"I didn't!" I said proudly.

Eric smiled and sat up straight. Bryan and Tiffany were in a different room at the time,"They think I'm dead though?"

"Yeah." I seemed to be the only one talking.

Eric nodded,stood up,and rubbed his head,"When we get back to camp remind me to buy some Advil or something."

I nodded,got up and hugged Eric. Allie did too. I felt Eric's arms around both of us as we had a group hug. I felt tears from Eric on my shoulder,Allie was crying into his chest and I finally let it go. I cried as I hugged my best friend.

"If you ever scare us like that again I'm kicking your ass." Allie said while crying.

Eric didn't object. He just held us tighter.

"I could kiss you but I'm straight and that's Allie's department." I said letting go.

We wiped the tears and had tear stains on our shirts and faces. They laughed and eventually kissed in front of me.

"Yay! Happy ending!" I said clapping.

"Well we still have to get to camp and see what we've missed." Eric said with an arm around Allie.

Bryan and Tiffany walked back in and this time Eric ambushed them with hugs. They didn't even ask how Eric wasn't dead. They took advantage of the matter and showed Eric love that I've never seen in him. Me and Allie smiled while we looked at the James family.

I looked back at the chair and saw a crack in the chair. It ran down where Eric sat. I remember hearing it as Eric jerked hard and then he started dying. When is eyes flung open like they did I got scared because I saw a different guy,no person in Eric James.

But he couldn't have made that. Could he? I decided not to ask or talk about considering the fact that Eric nearly fricken died.


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