Chapter 55

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"What!" we all said.

Me and Eric only said it because that's what we heard since we were still starting at her.

Allie stood,mouth a gap,"I'm getting adopted by one of the most charismatic fairy and council member number 2!"

"What's so great about that?" Eric finally said blushing a little.

I realized I was too because we finally broke the eye contact and we probably felt like douches.

"Number 2 is second below my father." Allie said irritated with us.

Jennifer nodded,"What's funny is that I can go fairy form or human form and mortals wouldn't be able to tell the difference. Their memories aren't that good apparently because I have gone in Lorde Ethel form and they always get my eyes and hair length confused." She said with a smile.

"Wait I thought council members had to live where ever Charles was? And why do you live in Orethon? Fairies are again where ever Charles tribe is." Eric said glancing between the two fairies.

Jennifer spoke first,"Well we can live in Norligia or anywhere in the world. But only two do. And those two are Chief Charles and Grandmother Weeping Oak. The rest of us are spaced out." She looked over to Allie who continued,"And the reason fairies can get into Orethon and live normal lives is because King Bryan allowed it. My dad and your grandfather made a deal and well here we are. You would know that Eric if you made up with your dad two years ago." Allie said causing Eric to narrow his eyes at her.

I chuckled,"Wow that's gotta burn bro. Anyways Jennifer why did you wait this long to tell Allie this?"

"Allie was 5 when I started seeing how lovely she was and how powerful she can be with the proper training. So I grew a liking to her." Jennifer said hugging Allie,"This little girl isn't so little anymore and I have to say she wouldn't normally talk to the guy she likes the way she did. She's gotten more tough without having another boy standing up for her." and for the first time Allie giggled as if she was that five year old Jennifer was talking about.

"My grandfather has been dead for years. How in the gods name did he talk to you guys two years ago?" Eric said raking his hair back.

"You ask stupid questions Flames. Your grandfather is the original fire god and gave them to you for a special reason that we don't yet know. You got your powers at the age of 11 right? Yeah that's when your grandfather told us and we made it like it is today. Honestly Eric do your family research. Your grandfather is very much alive. He lives in China. Isn't he a Chinese dragon?" Allie said.

"Now I know why I nicknamed you Brainy. Yeah he is." Eric murmured while looking towards me for backup.

"Okay so how do you know so much? If you can tell me that?" I said smugly now standing.

Eric rose too. Jennifer and Allie exchanged looks like,"They will never get understand this."

"Okay when I was in the foster home I had nothing better to do so I went to Norligia for the winter,spring and summer breaks." Allie said.

Eric was about to say something but he stopped and then weirdly walked outside.

"What was that about?" Jennifer asked.

We shrugged and I regretted not walking out with Eric. Allie and Jennifer just wouldn't shut up! They talked and talked about their new life together and how it's going to go down.

Finally having enough of that I walked out to see Eric sitting in the tree with a grin on his face.

I flew up to him,"Why'd you walk out and what up with the smile?"

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