Chapter 45

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When Veronica left Eric's eyes went white. This time we didn't go in. After five minutes or so Eric's vision ended and he...smiled? "Uh why are you smiling?" Cles asked popping his fingers.

"The vision. It wasn't bad,it was actually a good one." Eric said looking at the floor. "Well can you tell us it?" I asked not meaning to sound so demanding as I did. "It was mostly about you Allie. What's gonna happen to you when we get back to California." Eric said now looking at us.

I stopped asking questions and started thinking about that exact question. I stopped thinking about it because I knew where I was going once the summer ended. "Let me guess. Madame Kellies home for girls?" I asked annoyed.

"Yes for like a week then the secretary named Jennifer Lawnson adopts you." Eric said. I liked Jennifer. She was the only one I could talk to and she'd act motherly towards me. She's cared for me since day one. Jennifer has long red hair that she usually puts in a bun. Golden hazel eyes and freckles.

Jennifer is also tall and fit like a cheetah. I now thought about living with her. Cles snapped his fingers under my nose,"Yo Brooks pay attention and stop daydreaming." he said now standing. Eric rolled his eyes and handed me my backpack,"Look Brainy we got to go so please get up." I stood and grabbed my backpack.

Miley Cyrus's song Wreaking Ball started playing out of nowhere. We saw that Veronica had put it on and was walking around cleaning and doing random stuff. "I came in like a wreaking ball. I've never hit so hard in love. All I wanted was to break your walls..." Veronica sang along with the song.

Eric and Cles looked at each other,"Why am I so tempted to sing along?" Cles asked. Eric shrugged. "Hey Allie lets sing. I know you can because Poseidon told me." Veronica said pausing it. I sighed,"I'll sing along as long as they sing too." I said. Veronica smiled,"Okay. Ready? Go!" She un-paused and we sang along till it ended.

It was pretty fun and Cles and Eric didn't object and sang pretty well. "Well I better let you guys on your way. Zeus said to meet him in Chilé. I can't pronounce the city but when you get there you'll be able to find him." Veronica said walking to her front door just to see Maximus standing there.

"Ready trouble trio?" Maximus said. Veronica didn't act surprised when Max talked. She just let us go by and without another word shut the door while we walked down the stairwell.

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