Chapter 60

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[Cles Masons' POV]

I was woken up by the sound of loud whispering. I looked around to see Allie sound asleep. Mikayla and Lonnie were as well when I sat up. I noticed Eric was gone and so was his bow and arrows.

"Dad please reconsider! Aphrodite the goddess of love makes anyone and anything fall in love and if you don't like it go to her." I heard Eric say.

He and Bryan must've been at the door because I don't think my hearing is that good.

"Eric I will apologize to Lonnie in the morning. I didn't slap her! I wouldn't lay a hand on my kids like that! Eric you don't know this but Lonnie, because she gets picked on, does self harm because of it. Lonnie has told me but she thinks I'm lying so I can make her feel good but I'm not! Janet told me it before she decided to leave and Lonnie just, I don't know thinks other wise because she's the only 'gay' one in our family."

I realized I had creaked the door open and was listening to the conversation. I couldn't see them but it wasn't hard to imagine them standing right in front of each other and the door.

"I get it dad. Tell her this after breakfast or something. But um...what self harm does Lonnie do exactly?"

"She hits herself really hard and then blames someone who has that type of strength to do so."

I heard enough. Without looking or thinking I walked backwards and tripped over Allie and fell hard on my butt. I held my breath and prayed they didn't walk in.

"Ouch!" Allie hissed at me and threw her pillow which hit me in the jaw.

"Sorry." I said looking at the door.

I handed Allie her pillow back and laid on my back.

"Why are you up?" Allie whispered rolling over to face me.

"No reason. Just couldn't sleep." Allie hummed in agreement and fell back asleep.

The door opened and I shut my eyes. I heard Eric come in and put away his weapon.

I opened my eyes just a little to see Eric pull me up,"What have I told you about eavesdropping?"

"I don't know a lot. But hey I won't tell anyone."

"I know you won't. Cles you've got to learn what conversations you can listen too and some you can't."

"I'm sorry but I couldn't sleep with your whispering and besides who's going to tell her that?" Eric rolled his eyes I guess. It was pretty dark still.

"What time is it?" I asked sitting in a chair I hoped.

"5:19 the time changed so it's dark in the mornings and light until like nine or so."

"But in the states it's the other way around."

"Cles we're in Brazil. Well we should get some sleep before we get woken up for breakfast."

"Hey Eric? Are we leaving for camp tomorrow?"

"Yeah. Why are you excited about that?"

I thought about that. I really wanted to beat the crap out of Jordan Helms. He took the girl I wanted. He took everything from me and when I see him I might need Eric to hold me back from killing him.

"No reason. Just ready to see home again."

Eric softly snored.

"Great to know I put you to sleep." I murmured and curled in the chair asleep.


"Rise and shine my royals!" a voice said way to cheerfully.

I fluttered my eyes open to see I did indeed sleep in a chair. Eric had his pillow over his head. He was on his back. Allie slowly woke up then fell back asleep. Somehow she and Eric were side by side asleep. Mikayla and Lonnie groaned and both pulled the blankets over their heads.

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