Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

We walked around and they showed me every inch of camp. It was awesome. Dacara told me her dad was Hepheatus and Cassie told me her mom was Athena.

I said I was Poseidon even thought Dacara was there she still found it fascinating. Cassie told me that we all go to the same school but we have different classes. She even told me that a boy named Cles Mason went there so did Eric and Alex. My ears rang at the mention of his name.

I knew I hurt him in so many ways."Hey you three!" We turned to see Eric jogging toward us. His hair going in every which direction and the girls that where around were sighing and blushing. When he got to us his hair was in his eyes and he flipped it away. Girls sighed loudly but Eric ignored them.

"Hey sorry but I need to steal Allie from you guys." "Okay take her we showed her everything and informed her with basic information."Cassie said giving me a gentle push.

Eric nodded and I followed him. We walked in silence till we entered the house looking building. We also entered a room labeled 'office' as we walked in and another boy was waiting in the room.

This one had toned muscles and curly red hair. He had sparkling blue eyes and tanned skin. Cles Mason I guessed. Another one walked out beside him and froze. It was Alex. My old brother. Alex has brown hair and hazel eyes.

He wasn't tan but was getting close to it. Him,Eric and the other boy were the same hight and I was a few inches shorter. "Allie? How'd you even get here?" Alex asked with a surprised tone in his voice. "I..." I didn't finish. I couldn't even tell him why I ran away in the first place.

"Allie you already met Alex. This is Cles Mason. Son of Hercules. And if you didn't know,Alex is son of Apollo. My step brother." Alex eyed me and had a sad look in his eyes,"Allie why'd you leave?" I was hesitant to answer but I managed to,"I over heard Brittany and Michael taking saying they had to give me back. So instead of facing the pain of being sent back to the foster care facility,I ran away." Alex eyes were watery,"Allie that's stupid! They weren't going to give you up! They had to give back the papers for adoption! They want to adopt you because I talked them into it."

I raised an eyebrow. I doubted that's what had happened. Because no one wanted to adopt me. Alex saw me with the doubt look on my face. "You want proof?" "Maybe." I said crossing my arms and looking at the ground. "Eric if you don't mind?" Alex said. Eric nodded and made an iris message. "Show me Brittany and Michael Bedfort." Eric said. The image changed till I heard sobbing.

The image came in clear and I saw Brittany crying into Michaels shoulder. "Don't worry Brittany. We'll find her. She's probably with Alex." "How! She ran away and Alex was gone before she ran away! What did we do wrong?!" "Hey we did nothing wrong! Remember the foster care administration said she had problems regarding being un welcomed. She probably thought we were going to give her back that's all. She's just clearing her head." Brittany shooked her head,"We were so close in the adoption. I hope her mother doesn't have her."

I backed up putting my hands on my ears. It wasn't the iris message doing it to me,someone or something was in my mind telling me different. "Their lying Allie." His voice said making my blood run cold.

"They don't want you. The adoption is a fake." I closed my eyes felling the tears build up. "Face the music Allie. Your own mother didn't want you. No one wants you." "Shut up!" I screamed and fell to the floor. "They were going to give you back. The are lying about everything." "Shut up! Get out if my head!" "Oh I will when I see your stone walls broken to millions of pieces because you can't handle the truth!" I flung my eyes open. My eyes stinging with tears. All three boys were on the floor trying to calm me down but it wasn't working.

"Poor Allie Brooks. Un wanted,Un loved,Un welcomed." Was the last thing he said with his cruel,cold voice. I removed my hands and put them to my face and cried into them. So much for having no one see me cry. "Allie. Who were you talking to?" Eric said with a concerned tone in his voice. "Him." "Who's 'him'?" "Him! He follows me to every foster home and tells me all sorts of bull shit and I get sent back after two weeks. Every freaking time!"

I moved my hands to the floor to balance myself. I kept my eyes lowered. "Well. Do you know his name?" "No. He won't tell me. He says to call him 'him'." I looked up and all three had concerned looks on their faces.

"What did he tell you?" "The same thing he always tells me." I repeated what he said to them and got chocked up on the last thing he told me. "That's one messed up dude." Cles said. He had a voice like Eric but with a Spanish accent. I lowered my eyes once again. "So it was him that told you that they didn't want you?" Alex said. "Yes. I'm not the type of person to run away from something like that. But he controls everything. My thoughts,my actions,I just can't escape him." "Well that's were we come in." Eric said as he helped my to my feet,"We can try to get ride of him." "No. It won't work. I've tried to were I had to be sent to the hospital." "What creature are you if you tried?" Cles said crossing his arms. "A fairy." They fell silent.

He popped back in my head,"Allie they don't care for you. Alex lied about the adoption. They'll kick out of camp and you'll come to me." "No!" "Allie. Nothing they can do will make me leave you." I grabbed my ears and closed my eyes. I saw him. For the first time I could see the monster controlling me. He had bronze skin,jet black dragon wings,long gold hair,and these cold brown eyes.

"Now that you've seen me, your life will be a living hell." He laughed. Then these muscles popped onto his body,"Allie you can't leave my grasp. Just join me." "I'd rather drown in the river Styx than join you!" I shouted and collapsed to my knees. "GET OUT!" I yelled. He laughed,"My name is Centurion. Fear me and feel my wrath." He left and I was shaking badly. "Centurion. Him is Centurion." I said looking at the ground. "Holy mother of Zeus. He is our biggest enemy. How does he know you?"

Eric said helping me stand. I shrugged,"Ever since I could talk and walk,he was there telling this. I think he even visited me." They looked at me with an 'continue on look' "I think I was his foster child and he claimed me then two weeks later gave me back." They shuttered, Alex spoke first,

"Don't worry. My mom and step dad really want you. Centurion is trying to make you feel like a...." "A reject." Cles said. "Thanks for the sugar coat Cles." I said,"Sorry. Not the word you were looking for huh?" I rolled my eyes. Eric walked toward the desk and pulled out a piece of paper. He started to.....draw?

"Um Eric?" Cles said Alex butted in "Dude this is no time to be Da'Vencie." Eric ignored them and continued. I looked to my left and saw drawings that were incredible.

"Who drew those?" I asked to get of the subject. Cles and Alex shrugged. "I did." Eric said still drawing. "Bro. You drew those?" Cles said walking over to the wall. "Yep." Cles pulled a drawing of the wall and walked over to Eric and his eyes widen.

"He did." He looked up and waved us over. Eric old drawing and his new one had a very similar drawing style. His new one was of Centurion. "Is this who you saw?" He handed me a picture of what I saw a few moments ago. "Yes that is Centurion. How can you draw him in every perfect detail? Have you seen him before?" "No." We looked at him with amazement.

"What? I'm a very talented drawer." "I'll say." Alex said looking at the picture. Now I felt a terrible wave of fright hit me. I knew I was in grave danger.

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