Chapter 10

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[Eric James' POV]

"Eric!" A voice yelled. I turned around to see Cassie and Dacara running toward me. "What's up?" I said a little worried. Alex and Cles were standing beside me since we just finished our paintball game. "Alice and Allie might get in a fight." Dacara said. Just as she finished speaking people started screaming:"Fight! Fight! Fight!" Or,"Go Allie!" We ran to the spot were everybody was around the two girls. "No one says no to being my friend!" Alice yelled and un-sheathed her sword. "Well I just did!" Allie said and did the same and clicked the button making it into a sword. "This is going to be awesome!" Cles yelled. Alice and Allie weren't trained enough to sword fight,but I wanted to keep all my body parts so I watched. Allie turned out to be better than I expected. Alice to,but Allie did the BEST sword play I've ever seen. She managed to get Alice farther away,kicked her sword out her hand, and tackled her to the ground sword on her neck. Everyone,including myself,went,"Oh!" Allie got off of Alice,sheathed her sword and helped her up. "Next time don't make a big deal about not being the "it" girl." Allie said breathing a little hard. Alice glared,grabbed her sword,and started to walk away. "Not so fast you two." I said and walked forward. People who didn't see me started to whisper what might happen to them. Alice knew the consequences about fighting and Allie knew some of them. "My office now." I said. Slowly they followed me and everybody broke up. "I hope she doesn't get in trouble." One girl said. "Which one?" A boy said as we walked past everyone. "Allie,stupid!" We got to my office and the two girls sat on the opposite side of my desk. I stood behind it and looked at each of them. "Do I even want to why as to why you two were fighting?" I asked. "Yeah.",Alice said,"Allie here started talking smack and I simply tried to be friends and she turned it down and then the fight happened. See I did nothing wrong to deserve punishment." Alice was using her charmspeak. On some people it would work,but not on me. "That's not even close to what really happened!",Allie said sitting a little straighter,"Okay so what really happened was I told Alice that no amount of make or clothes could make me her friend and that I wasn't about to abandon Cassie and Dacara. She got mad and started the fight." Allie said. "You're so fake. Like he'd believe such lies." Alice said smugly. "I got an idea. Since it will look like I'm taking sides,which I'm not,both of you will be punished." "What?!" They yelled. "That's not far I didn't do anything wrong!" Allie and Alice yelled. They started yelling at each other till I growled to make then stop. "The punishment is just cleaning the girls bathroom. Just the mirrors." I said trying to make the easiest and less tiring punishment. "I bet you're good at that since you were in foster care." Alice said. "That's it!" Allie yelled and splashed Alice with water. I broke them a part and glared at both of them. "Let's just get this punishment over with. And if I hear either one of you two fight or say anything threatful to either the one the punishment will be a lot worse than what it is." I said and started walking out my office with both if them muttering under their breath.

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