Chapter 2- The Dinner Party

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Chapter 2

Cheryl's POV:

For the past few weeks I'd been getting dreams about Kimberley, waking up thinking they were real, looking to the cold space next to me in the bed, wishing she was there. I needed to talk to someone, but who? Was I turning lesbian, was I bi.. I didn't even know myself. I was falling for Kimberley so much that it cause me to question my sexuality. That night I went through 5 bottles of red wine to myself, alcohol was my only answer at the moment. I needed a way to shut these feelings away. Everytime I wake up, she's straight away on my mind, and it's like that for the rest of the day. I had nobody to talk to, the other 3 might laugh at the fact that I'm falling in love with a woman who is my bestfriend and bandmate. Yes. I was falling in love. With a woman. When I realised that I loved Kimberley, I done nothing that day but sob into my pillow, I didn't want to feel like this, I wanted to be normal, I wanted things to be normal. I wanted to just watch Kimberley dance, and not wish it was my body she was grinding against. I cried so much my make up was wrecked, I didn't know who I was anymore. There was a knock on the door, making me jump and fall off the bed, whacking my leg. It was Nicola, she walked in staring at the mascara that was down my cheeks.

"Oh my God Cheryl what's wrong?!" She urgently said, hugging me and shutting the door behind her. That hug just made me cry even more, Nicola's hugs are so amazing, why was I crying about it? Then I realised, I wished it was Kimberley I was hugging. If only.

"Eh nothing, I just banged me head and whacked me leg that's all, hurt like mad. What ya doing here?" I said, sniffling.

"I'm worried about you, somethings wrong with you and I know it, mind if I put the tele on?" Nicola said back in her quirky little voice.

"I-I, I'm fine babe, trust. And go ahead" I said back.

She put the music channels on, and our single 'Whole Lotta History' was just starting. I stared at Kimberley's gorgeous face the whole way through. By the end of it I was in hysterics. Nicola picked me up off the floor.

"Its our Kimba aint it babe?" She soflty said to me

"What is?" acting like I didn't know what she was on about.

"You know what Cheryl. The reason you've been acting so weird, crying so much, going all funny when she comes near you." She was hugging me by this point. "Do you like her Cheryl?"

I was crying so much. I could barely get my words out right.

"I don't just like her. I love her. I want her. I want to be with her. I'm supposed to be straight! What is going on with me?!" I started getting really angry, Nicola could tell I had drunk one too many.

"Babe, how do you know it's not just a crush... it'll go soon."

"I've tried telling myself that one, but it's not, I LOVE her Nicola, I love her with all my heart! I can't get her out of my mind. She's all I think about." My angriness had gone, and I was just in pieces again.

"How long? How long have you felt like this?" Nicola asked me quietly.

"Too long. For about 7 months, but it only really started hitting me the other week. I'm not even atrracted to any men, just her." sobbing my heart out.

Nicola didn't know what to do, she just talked about it for the evening, as I was downing the wine, getting so drunk again. Nicola stayed the night to take care of me.


The next morning Nicola left me a note because she had to scoot off, it said;

"Chin up babe, keep smiling, I love you lots, just talk to her, see how she feels or something? P.S Tablets and water on the kitchen side for you. Love you babe xox"

bringing a tear to me eye. Should I take her advice and talk to Kimberley? Or wait a little longer?

Kimberley's POV:

It had been a few weeks since I started dating Justin, then I realised, I wasn't spending enough time with my mates. I decided to have a dinner party, I called Nadine asking her to let the girls know, Monday 6pm, be there. Cheryl texted me again;

Cheryl: "I might be there, it depends how I feel, been down lately. dnt wanna ruin every1's night. xx"

Me: "Pls cme chez, a night with us might do u gd! u need to tell me whats going on!xx"

Again, it delivered, but I got no reply. Had I done something that upset her? She's usually so much more talkative.


It was Monda ad all the girls came round with a bottle of wine each, I was glad to see that Cheryl decided to come, she was smiling, and had 2 bottles of wine. She walking in hugged me and said

"One of these is just for me ha!" Sounding as if she had already drunk a glass or two.

Everyone was there, hanging out in the living room while I was sorting the plates out. They were all having a laugh, going through my baby photos. I went bright red when Nadine picked up one of me with little chubby cheeks and I went bright red!

"Dinner's ready!" And they all came rushing in like a herd of animals. I had Nicola sat next to me on my left, Nadine on my right, Nicola on my left and Cheryl and Sarah opposite me. They all enjoyed the meal then we got onto the subject of sex, Sarah was to blame, p!ssed out her head! She asked me if I would ever do anything with a girl, I looked at her and ust said I don't knnow, it's a girl, and I'm with Justin. Cheryl put her head down, her and Nicola made eye contact with her and smiled at her, Cheryl half smiled back. I started wondering what was going on. Then Nicola asked Cheryl to help her get some more wine from the kitchen. They started whispering, I couldn't make everthing out, but she told Cheryl to hang in there. What were they not telling me?

Through the night we were having a laugh.

"KIMBURLEH" Nadine said in her strong irish accent,whilst drunk out her skull. "So, you and Justin, have you done the naughty business yet?"

My cheeks went bright red, making everyone guess I had, and they were right, but I didn't say. Cheryl quickly got up and said she was going home, she had tears in her eyes. I wanted answers, why was she acting like this?

(FINISHED)Chim - Stop Crying Your Heart Out OfWhere stories live. Discover now