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*Nicole's POV

I have to get out of here. No one knows I'm missing I don't have any family - I was an only child and both of my parents had died. No one would be looking for me... It's up to me to get myself out of here. Now is the perfect time and I have a plan. Run.

"Hey guys is there a bathroom down here?" I yelled so they could hear me.

"Yeah down the hall on the left, closest to the door." Calum shouted back.

"Thanks." I say getting up off the couch. I start to make my way down the hall towards the front door.

*Michael's POV

"Yeah down the hall on the left, closest to the door." I heard Calum shout at Nicole.

"She's going to run." I said.

"But I told her she couldn't." Calum negated.

"Dude do you really think she would listen to you? She barely knows us, and she's scared, all she wants is to go back home to her normal human life. Plus, she's thinking about it right now." I explained.

And at that exact moment we heard the door open, then slam shut. I shot Calum the 'I told you so' look.

"Damn it!" Calum yelled, getting ready to run after.

"Wait!" Luke said.

"I'll get her. I'm faster than any of you." He chuckled to himself. "It'll be fun I'll just give her a little head start. I've been meaning to take a walk anyway."

"Don't hurt her." Calum said.

He nodded and nonchalantly walked out of the kitchen with a smile on his face.

*Nicole's POV

I opened the door and ran out without looking back. I just had to keep running. From what I could tell they weren't following me. I slowed down after running for a good 10 minutes because my stomach was becoming uneasy. The woods were very tranquil when I woke up this morning it was sunny, now it was cloudy and it looked like it was about to rain.

Snap out of it Nicole, now is not the time to admire the scenery.

I started to run again. But after a little while longer I thought I was far enough away, so I just walked.

"I guess they didn't notice I left. Idiots." I smirked.

After walking for what seemed like forever, I heard something. It sounded like rustling of leaves. I turned around to see Luke standing there with his hands behind his back smirking at me (creepy much). Immediately I turned back to run away and he was already in front of me. I gasped. He grabbed my arm and started dragging me back.

"Luke let go! You're hurting me!" I said, trying to pry his hand off of my arm.

"Did you seriously think one of us wouldn't catch you?" He said with a hint of sarcasm.

I didn't answer him, I just squirmed. I somehow managed to get my arm out of his grip and I kicked his balls, hard. He dropped to the ground, and began groaning in pain. That's when I started to run again.

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