forty five

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*time skip

*Nicole's POV

I don't know how long it's been, but it's been a while. And where am I? Stuck in this hell hole of a basement. The guys didn't bother to chain me back to the chair, Tanner resorted to just kicking me as I lay on the floor. They leave me to sit on the floor, untied, but when they have to leave the house they tie my hands together behind my back and they tie my ankles together.

The other night, the guy that fed me came in and drugged me, causing me to pass out. And when I woke up I was is new clothes. A clean t-shirt and pair of short cotton shorts. Aprently they had given me clean clothes so "My injuries wouldn't get infected" as Tanner put it.

I sat on the floor, leaned up against the wall, examining my damaged skin. I've got countless amounts of bruises and cuts, I can't see out of my left eye because it's so swollen. God knows how many of my bones are broken or shattered. I could barely move without eventually screaming out in anguish. Fun, I know. But my captors knew it too. They would just lightly brush over my skin or push on a bruise and I would feel immense amounts of pain.

All I do is sit or lay on the floor, and wait for my next beating. I just want to go home.

*Calum's POV

It's been nine days, and there has been no contact from Nicole's kidnappers since the first two notes. We had gotten barely any sleep in the last few days, we all had dark circles under our eyes that were red and irritated. I've only taken one shower since she was taken, so I probably look as horrible as I feel.

I hated this, knowing that she was in pain and we couldn't do anything about it. We knew she couldn't be dead, if she dies we die. Which makes all of this: all the more frightening.

*Jack's POV (whaaaat?)

My inner wolf was pushing me to run faster to catch the speeding deer. I dodged trees and low hanging branches as I ran through the thick woods. I sprinted and jumped off of a rock, landing right on top of the deer. I snapped it's neck and devoured the carcass. After finishing my meal I shifted back to my human form. I was hit by the cold air, shivering, now that I hadn't been shielded by my fur coat. I found the bag that I had hidden under a bush and changed into some fresh clothes.

I made my way to a small stream. I cupped my hands and splashed water onto my face, cleaning off the blood. I walked in the direction of the pack house, I wanted to make it back before morning. I came to a familiar road, the one that led to the abandoned house, but something was different this time. Before I could continue walking, bright headlights shone my way. I jumped to crouch behind a bush, concealing myself from the oncoming vehicle. I saw three different cars pass, heading towards the main road and away from the house.

No one lives in that house anymore, it's abandoned. So... What the hell?

I decided it was in my best interest to check it out. I swiftly walked to the house, I saw nothing unusual once I arrived. But there was an off smell. Blood and... a vampire. I walked up the old stairs cautiously as they creaked beneath my feet. The smell of blood was more evident as I entered the house, empty blood bags and beer bottles were strewn across the floor. Vampires definitely had been here.

There was a stronger scent coming from the kitchen. It was blood, but something was different, the scent was almost familiar. I saw an old white door that was cracked open slightly. Past the door was a flight of stairs leading to a basement. As I descended down the stairs the familiar scent became stronger. There was a second door, I reached for the handle and found it locked. I was able to pick the lock, don't ask, and I pushed the door open. I never expected to find Nicole laying there.

"Oh my god!" I said as I ran over to her. What was she doing here? Where were the boys? Why didn't they tell me she was taken? Why would someone do this to her? All these questions flooded my mind as I stared at Nicole's limp body.

"Nicole? Nicole can you hear me?" I asked softly. She groaned when she tried to lift her head to look at me. A gag was tied tightly around her head, and I did my best to gently untie it. "Don't move to much."

"Jack?" She said just above a whisper, her voice was quiet yet hoarse.

"Yeah it's me. What are doing down here? What happened to you?" I asked as I untied the rope that was tied around her ankles. Then I moved on to the ropes behind her back, swiftly untying the knot.

"They took me... tortured me." She croaked. "You need to... leave before they come back."

"Who?" I asked.

"Jack just go. Hurry!" She grunted.

"I'm not leaving without you." And on that note I picked her up carefully. She hissed in pain as I did so. I turned around and began to head towards the door. "I've got you, don't worry. You're safe now."

*Nicole's POV

I'm saved, thank fucking god!

But my mental celebration was short lived, out of nowhere I was dropped to the ground. I cried out in pain as my back collided with the cold, wet concrete floor. I opened my one good eye to see Tanner standing there shaking his hand back and forth.

"Damn that hurt! Princess, you need to tell me when you invite company over. Especially when it's a wolf." Tanner said, a devilish grin playing on his lips.

*Jack's POV

I woke up on the floor. My hands and feet were tied and there was a gag, similar to Nicole's, tied around my head. I opened my eyes wider to see the guy that knocked me out kicking Nicole. I thrashed and tried to scream at him, anything to get his attention away from hurting her.

He finally heard me and turned away from Nicole. "Oh you're awake! Good." He said cheerfully.

What's this guys deal?

"I'm Tanner. And I assume you already know the princess." He said, motioning to Nicole who had tears in her eyes. "Now just sit there, you can watch if you want."

Watch what?

He took a decent sized pocket knife out of his back pocket and started to walk back towards Nicole. Her breathing picked up, and she began to whimper and shake her head. He pressed the blade against her collar bone and made a small gash, she cried out in pain as he smiled. I kicked and screamed so he would stop, and it seemed to be annoying him. I continued to thrash around until he let out a loud sigh and came back towards me.

"Stop it!" He said as he punched my stomach. That's what set off my wolf. I broke free of the ropes and pushed the guy down to the floor. I shifted into my wolf form and howled.

*Nicole's POV

Jack shifted and howled loudly. Tanner stood up, and clutched the blade in his hands. Jack growled and pounced on top of Tanner. Tanner screamed as they fell to the floor, I closed my eyes as they fought each other. Then all of a sudden, I heard Jack whimpering. I opened my eye to see Jack in the far corner of the room, dead.

Tears filled my eyes and I screamed. Tanner ignored me, he picked up Jack's feet and dragged him out of the basement. He left the room, slamming the door.

I can't believe he killed Jack. He never should have come. I told him to leave, he should have left me here, this is all my fault.



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