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*Nicole's POV

We all stood up from where we were sitting. The boys led my into the study, it was a large room filled with nothing but books. We stood in the middle of the room, Ashton was in front of me, Luke was behind me, Michael was on my left, and Calum was on my right.

"This will be easier if you put your hair up."

I took my hair in my hands and put into a bun. "I'm ready, let's get this done." My palms were starting to sweat. I took a deep breath and they sunk their fangs into my skin.

Ashton and Luke bit both sides of my neck while Calum and Michael bit both of my wrists.

I winced at the pain, their fangs were really sharp. They let the venom sink in then withdrew their fangs, and I wimpered. That's when the burning started. At first the pain started where they bit me then it started to spread. I fell to the floor and I landed on my back. My body started jerking uncontrollably. It felt like someone put a lighter up to my skin and lit the fuse- my body was on fire. I couldn't take the pain, it felt like my blood was boiling under me skin. I started screaming, the pain was unbarable. I screwed my eyes shut and clenched my teeth, the pain was everywhere and it was excruciating. There was no part of my body that didn't ache with pain.

The boys knelt next to me while I was on the floor. They all had a look on their faces that was half terror half worry. I started to cry as the fire kept burning my body. Calum took my hand.

"I'm sorry I can't take the pain away. If I heal you, you wont turn. You're going to be ok, I promise." He said and I saw a tear roll down his cheek.

I screamed again, louder than the first time. All that was heard throughout the room was my pained cries and the boys' occasional sniffles.

After an agonizing few minutes, I passed out because the pain was to much to handle.

*Michael's POV

She passed out. She closed her eyes and stopped jerking so violently. We all stood up and went over to the wall and slid down to the floor. I ran my hands through my hair and held my breath, letting a few tears silently role down my cheeks.

Nicole was in the middle of the room, she barely moved except for a twitch every so often.

"She's going to be alright... right?" Luke asked. He sounded so worried.

"I don't know." Ashton said.

All we could do was wait for her to get up. An hour went by and we all just sat there staring at her. All of a sudden her chest stopped rising, she stopped breathing.

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