fifty three

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*time skip

*Nicole's POV

My eyes fluttered open as I awoke from my semi restless sleep. The clock on the nightstand read '2:47pm'. I cringed when I realized there was drool dripping down my chin, I wiped that away before running a hand through my severe bedhead. The last thing I remembered was going home from the store...

What day is it? How long was I asleep? Was I really that sleep deprived?

After walking into my bathroom and splashing water on my face, I rubbed the remaining sleep out of my eyes. Soon after looking in the mirror, I left my room and sped down the stairs into the kitchen where I found Michael, Ashton, Luke and Calum.

"Hey beautiful." Calum greeted.

"Hi." I said, waving.

"So Michael, Luke and I went back to the store to buy food, since we didn't actually buy anything last time." Calum said.

"Awesome. And sorry. I just, I kinda-well."

"Hey you don't have to explain or apologize. You're totally fine." Calum said. He looked at Michael, then Michael and I made eye contact.

Did you tell them?

Michael responded with a small nod.

Thank you.

"Are you hungry babe?" Calum asked.

"I'm kinda starving actually." I chuckled. Luke smiled and handed me a blood bag from the fridge. I gave him the 'where the hell did you get that from?' look.

"I'm having a guy deliver it here twice a month." Calum said, answering my unasked question. I nodded my head and began to feed from the bag.

"I know we haven't been here long and we haven't really seen much of the city. So would you guys be up for, like, looking around a bit?" Calum asked hopefully.

"Sure, I wouldn't mind." I replied, and the others nodded their heads.

"I saw a couple of little shops on the way to the supermarket. Does anyone want to check them out?" Michael suggested.

"Yeah I'm up for it."

*time skip

"Okay Michael! For like the millionth time, just because you drew a face on the banana, that doesn't mean it's okay to use it to hit my face!" No doubt that sentence earned me a few confused glances from strangers. (do you remember?)

The five of us walked down the street in a small group, chatting and laughing. The boys told me stories from 'the good old days', back a few decades ago. They reminisced about their humorous yet stupid antics, Michael's many colors of hair, endless pizza, piggyback ride races, ping pong and puberty, Michael's experimentation with eye liner, Calum's lack of facial hair, adventures in McDonald's playgrounds, and Pokemon -jigglypuff specifically.

Soon we came upon a little music shop and we went in. The little bell above the door jingled as we pushed the door in. There were posters and records hanging on the walls. There were racks of vinyls and CDs labeled by genre. An older man, maybe in his fifties or sixties, sat behind the counter at the register. He smiled warmly and I gave him a small wave. The boys and I separated, going in different directions.

I remembered one of the boys finding a record played somewhere in the house, so I made my way over to the vinyls. I browsed through the records, some were brand new but some were older and slightly used. I pulled out a copy of Queen's 'A Night at the Opera' and 'News of the World'. I turned to see Ashton looking at AC-DC records. I walked up behind him and placed my chin on his shoulder.

"Hi." Ashton greeted, not peeling his eyes away from the records he was browsing through.

"Hey." I whispered back. Suddenly, I felt fingers poke my sides and I instantly giggled. I turned around to see Calum with a large grin on his face.

"Oh my god, you're so adorable." He said and booped my nose. If I wasn't dead, I probably would've felt heat rush to my cheeks, but that wasn't the case.

"Hey Nicky, come back here!" I heard Michael yell from the back of the store. I headed towards his voice and left Calum with Ashton. As I walked towards the back I noticed a lot more band posters that hung on the walls. I came upon Mikey in the very back, he was staring at a poster like it was the most magnificent thing in the world.

 I came upon Mikey in the very back, he was staring at a poster like it was the most magnificent thing in the world

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"This is literally the coolest thing ever!" He exclaimed. "I want one."

I looked down at the floor where a crate of posters sat. I pulled out the same one that hung on the wall and handed it to Michael.

"Go forth, young Padawan, and buy the poster." I said in a serious voice. He smiled like a kid on Christmas morning and kissed my cheek.

"You are by far the best mate in the galaxy."

☆author's note: hey guys it's been a while. this is just a filler, the next one might also be a filler- depends on what ideas come to mind. but anyway, thanks for reading, I love you, and make sure to stay awesome.

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