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*Nicole's POV

I woke up the next morning, alone, in the same bed. I went to pull off the blanket and noticed bruises from where Michael and Luke grabbed me the day before. There was one on my left arm and both of my wrists, I was sore and my skin was discolored. I tried my best to ignore the discomfort.

I need to change clothes. Jesus Christ I stink too, I need a shower.

I went to the dresser and pulled out the drawer. I grabbed some grey-wash, high waisted jeans and a crop top with a unicorn on it it said 'go to hell'. I liked the clothes that were in the drawers, they were mostly black. I also found underwear and bras that were exactly my size.

Ok that's a little creepy.

I went into the bathroom to take my shower and on the counter was an ipod and speakers. I scrolled through the music.

The boys have really good music taste.

I turned on 'Welcome to the Black Parade' by My Chemical Romance. I got in the shower and sang along.

Oh my god I'm so emo.

"Sometimes I get the feeling she's watching over me,
And other times I feel like a should go,
When through it all the rise and fall,
The bodies in the streets,
And when you're gone we want you all to know,
We'll carry on
We'll carry on"

*Ashton's POV

"I can hear her singing." Michael said, smiling a little. "She's got a pretty voice."

"Calum, Nicole came down here last night. We talked for a bit, but I felt the connection that you talked about when you first found her." I admitted.

All three of looked up at me, then Luke, Michael and I looked at Calum.

"I felt it too." Luke said.

"Yeah me too." Micheal said right after.

We had all felt a connection to Nicole, it was like a bond, a need to be near her, protect her, love her. All vampires end up feeling something that makes the vampire want to be with a human. When I vampire finds and human to mate, they have six days to change that human before they all die. Nicole had already been with us a full day.

"That means we have five days to turn her. If we don't change her by that time we're all going to die." Michael deducted.

"She doesn't even know we have powers yet." Luke said.

"She has to know about mine- I used them on her in the woods." I said.

"Fine, but before we turn her, we have to explain a few things to her first." Calum sighed.

*Nicole's POV

I washed my hair then shaved my legs. The warm water was relaxing, and felt soothing against my bruised skin. After I finished up and put on the clothes, I picked out and some black Vans and slipped them on. The crop top I chose showed off my bruises so I put on a black hoodie, but kept it unzipped. I dried my hair and put it up into a messy ponytail, not bothering to brush it out. I hung up my towles before exiting my room, I cautiously and quietly made my way down the stairs.

There was quiet chatter coming from the kitchen. I subconsciously made my way to the front door, ignoring the advice Luke had previously given about leaving the house. As I approached the door, I glanced out the small window beside it and I noted how the sun beams seemed to dance against the branches of trees. I wanted to feel the sun against my skin, feel the breeze blow through my hair, I wanted to be free of the house. But there was something holding me back... as cliché as that sounds.

I gently turned the lock and then the knob of the door. The door creaked as I peeled it open, and I let the breeze tickle my skin. My compulsion to leave was somehow, immediately, lessened. But the bruises on my skin were telling me otherwise, they screamed at me to leave and find safety somewhere else.

My internal struggle was cut short as a long arm wrapped around my waist. The movement startled me, making me gasp. I turned quickly and saw Ashton, wearing a pair of black framed glasses. I can't help but admit he looked cute.

"You've been standing there a while, love. Going somewhere?" He asked, and he tightened his grip around me slightly as he asked his question. I looked down at my waist, Ashton took notice and loosened his hold.

"No... I-I was just-just thinking." I cursed at myself for stuttering. But my nerves had the habit of getting the best of me.

"Okay, it's okay, love. Are you hungry?" He asked quietly.

I hesitantly nodded my head. Ashton gently shut the door and tugged me towards the kitchen.

As Ashton and I entered the kitchen, all eyes were on me. I shifted a little, feeling my cheeks burn slightly.

"This cute thing is hungry." Ashton declared, making me blush harder.

I smiled a little as he made his way towards the fridge. I cautiously walked to the island in the center of the kitchen where Calum was perched. I leaned my elbow against the counter and rested my head on my palm. I was getting slightly more comfortable around the boys, it kind of scared me.

"Nicole, does a ham sandwich sound good?" Ashton asked, poking his head out from behind the door of the fridge.

"Yes, please." I answered. Ashton nodded and made himself busy.

A sudden chill, possibly caused by a draft, went down my spine. I zipped up my jacket and rubbed my arms to warm myself up.

My arm still hurts.

There was a short quiet period, when the only thing that could be heard was Ashton rummaging around. But suddenly the quiet was interrupted.

"Why does your arm hurt?" Michael asked.

"It doesn't." I replied quickly. I became confused immediately. How did Michael figure that my arm hurt? Didn't say anything about it, the bruises were covered.

"What happened to your arm?" Calum asked concerningly.

"Nothing... I'm fine." I shrugged. I hugged my arms around myself.

"You're not fine, you're hurt." Michael interjected.

"No, I'm not. I just- how did you-"

"Let me look." Calum said. I raised his hand towards me, and I stepped back slightly.

"No, Calum I'm fine. Seriously I-"

"Nicole." Ashton cut me off, his voice was filled with concern. His eyes turned violet. "Take off the hoodie."

I looked into his eyes and did as I was told, I took the hoodie off to reveal a large bruise on my left arm and bruises on both of my wrists. I looked down at my purple skin, then I looked up at Michael and Luke. Calum looked at me then them, he put two and two together.

"Did you do this?" He accused.

I could hear the anger in his voice. He looked furious I saw his eyes start to glow, and he lunged at Luke and Michael.

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