thirty four

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*Ashton's POV

I never wanted the argument to go that far. She just needs to learn to control her strength. I turned to see all the boys staring at me.

"Sorry guys. Michael you ok?"

"Yeah I'm good. What about you, that got kinda heated."

"I'm fine. I think I should go talk to her though." With that I left the boys to find Nicole.

I walked up the stairs and I could hear sniffling, she was crying. I felt really bad, I didn't mean to hurt her. I just wanted her to be safe.

I knocked once on her door before entering her room. She quickly ran her sleeve across her eyes.

She sniffled again "Ashton I'm really sorry. I j-just... I want to protect you and the boys."

I sat next to her. "I know you do. I'm sorry too I was pretty harsh back there. I just need you to be safe."

She put her arms around my neck, I did the same with mine. I started to stroke her hair, and she nuzzled her head into my neck.

"I don't like fighting with you, I love you too much to be upset with you." I whispered.

"I hate it too."

Her eyes were red and irritated, she needed sleep. After we crawled in, Nicole pulled the covers up to her chest and she fell asleep in my arms.

*Nicole's POV

I fell asleep in Ashton's arms, but I woke up some time later in the night. It was the night of the full moon, and the moonlight was shining through my window.

I was cuddling with Ashton but I was having a hard time getting back to sleep. I tried to just lay in bed but it didn't work, food didn't work, blood didn't work. Nothing was working! I needed to make myself tired so I decided to take a walk.

I got out of house and just walked. I walked and walked until I didn't recognize anything. The moonlight shone on my face through the trees, as the wind was blowing through my hair. I walked on brushing my finger tips along the leaves of the trees. I heard a twig snap and looked over my shoulder but nothing was there so I kept going. I slowed my speed when I heard footsteps. I turned to see a wolf. A werewolf.

I thought I could scare it away by growling at it. So I did, it never moved from its stance. It growled back at me, making me flinch. I knew I could get away from it so I ran to a clearing. Surprisingly it had followed me. It stood directly in front of me and we were both looking into each others eyes.

Then it jumped on top of me! I took it by its neck so I wouldn't bite my face off, and threw it off me. It got back on its feet and came towards me again. It charged and I kicked its muzzle, it wimpered. It jumped on me again but this time I couldn't block it and we fell to the ground. It bit into my shoulder and then my torso. It licked its lips then backed off. I was lying on the ground, I could feel the blood seeping out of my wounds, and there was pain surging through my body. I saw the wolf run off. I started to wimper and I couldn't move. I began to cry, but I tried my best to keep the tears in. And then I yelled out for Ashton.

"Ashton! Ashton!"

*Ashton's POV

I turned over and Nicole wasn't next to me, I sat up and went downstairs to see if she was there. She wasn't in the kitchen, or the study, or in the dining room, or her bathroom I couldn't find her any where. I started to panic so I slipped on some shoes and threw a jacket on, and headed outside. I could smell blood and I could've sworn I heard someone calling my name.

*Nicole's POV

Today is just not my fucking day.

*back to Ashton's POV

I ran to find my mate, who I figured was in trouble, I followed the scent of her blood. I found her lying in the dirt in the middle of a clearing.

"Holy Shit! Nicole! Oh my god what happened?!" I cried out.

"I j-just wanted to take a-a walk." She muttered in pain.

I knelt next to her and put my hands over her wounds to stop the bleeding and she winced.

"How did this happen? What did this to you?!" I asked frantically.

"Were-werewolf." She replied.

I gently picked her up in my arms, she groaned as I did so, and ran her home. When we got home I set her on the dining table and ran to Calum's room.

I grabbed his shoulders and shook him awake. "Calum! Calum! Get up!"

"What the hell Ash?"

"It's Nicole!" Once I said her name he was up and out of the door. We ran down to the dining room.

"Oh my god!"

I pulled down Nicole's shirt to show him the bites. "You have to heal her!"

"Okay. Okay." Calum pressed his hands against Nicole's lesions. Nothing happened.

I gave Calum a weird look. "Why isn't it working?" I demanded.

"What did this to her?!" He asked, a worried look on his face.

"A werewolf." I said simply.

"I don't understand!" He said, sounding frustrated.

"Why isn't it working?!" I yelled impatiently.

"I don't know!" He shot back.

Michael and Luke suddenly ran downstairs, both looking tired and disheveled.

"What are you guys yelling abo- What the hell happened to Nicole?!" Michael questioned, becoming more awake by the second.

"She was bit by a werewolf." I said.

We were all beginning to freak out, worry clouding our minds. Calum couldn't heal her and no one knew what to do. Nicole laid on the dining room table, writhing. She arched her back and let out a loud, pained groan, just after that she shot up. She bent over the side of the table and threw up jet black blood.

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