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*Nicole's POV

I woke up in my bed the next morning, with all the boys still with me. I sat up and noticed Luke was awake, at the foot of my bed with Ashton next to him, and just staring off into space silently. He saw me and I gave a small wave. He chuckled and mouthed a 'good morning'.

I mouthed back a quick 'morning', before stretching my arms and yawning.

"That was adorable." I heard someone whisper. I looked up and saw Ashton barely awake. I blushed and placed my hands in my lap, fiddling with my fingers.

I hear Luke and Ashton chuckle again and heat rushed to my cheeks, turning them a bright cherry red. I put my hands up to hide my face. That only made them laugh louder. I dramatically groaned and threw myself on the bed. The impact shook the bed, waking Micheal and Calum.

"Stop laughing." I playfully whined. "It's not funny."

"No its just cute." Luke argued.

"What's cute?" Calum asked groggily.

"Nicole yawning, and blushing." Ashton answered, I could hear his smile.

I groaned again and took the pillow from beneath my head and through it at Ashton.

"Hey! Watch it!" Ashton whined.

"All of you, shut up!" Micheal groaned, his eyes still closed. He snaked his arm around my waist and pulled me close, nuzzling his nose against the back of my neck. This caused me to giggle.

"Okay, that was definitely cute." Calum said, about my giggle. Que the blushing.

"Seriously guys, stop." I huffed.

"Alrighgt, alright. So Nicole you get to choose our game plan... What do you want to do today?" Calum asked seriously.

"Can we find somewhere to go skating?" I asked, not bothering to sit up. I liked how Michael held me close.

"Of course."

"Yes! Now get outta here I gotta get ready."

"Five more minutes!" Michael whined, tightening his grip around my waist.

"No, Mikey, get up!" I protested.

"Kiss me, then I'll let go." He smirked.

I huffed, but turned around when he loosened his grip. I quickly pressed my lips against his, then pulled away. I awkwardly looked down, avoiding his gaze.

He tilted my head up gently and kissed my nose, I blushed again for what felt like the hundredth time.

"I gotta get ready now." I whispered.

"Fine!" He replied dramatically with a laugh. He sat up, and went to follow the others.

I sat with my feet hanging of the side of my bed as the boys filed out of my room one by one, each leaving a kiss on my forehead before walking out.

It was pretty cold so I picked out some dark high waisted jeans, and a thick black sweater. I also grabbed a beanie, a scarf, and gloves for when we made it outside. I also grabbed a pair of black combat boots.

I was excited to go out and be human while it lasted.

I got into the shower, cleaning myself as quickly as I could I was really excited about going out with all the boys. I brushed out my hair and dryed it. I put on new underwear and a different bra then the other clothes I picked out. I had found a pair of white skates in the trunk at the end of my bed I put them into a backpack along with another sweater just in case it got colder and a video camera in case something funny happened I could get it on tape. I rushed down stairs to find the boys waiting for me by the door.

"You look cute," Mikey said "ready to go?"

"Thanks, let's go!" I cheered.

We all climbed into their black car. I sat between Michael and Luke, Ashton drove and Calum rode shotgun. We were in the car for a while, it got kinda boring so Calum put in a burned CD in the player. It said 'Green Day American Idiot'.

The five of us were jamming out to all of my favorite songs like
'American Idiot'
'St. Jimmy'
'Bulevard of Broken Dreams'
'Jesus of Suburbia'

We sang along to the the CD the whole car ride. The guys didn't tell me that they had such good voices.

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