sixty seven

529 19 0

*time skip

*Nicole's POV

I ran down the isles of the supermarket, I was being chased by a werewolf! It was fast, it was about to catch up to me, it was literally biting at my heels. I threw a shopping cart in its way but it rammed right through it. I had to get outside, I saw the boys waiting for me. Once I got to the door, I pushed it open. I closed my eyes quickly, but when I opened my eyes I found myself in Tanner's basement.

"No, not here. I have to get out of here." I said, beginning to panic. I turned around to the door in had just came through, but it was locked. In the center of the room was the chair that I spent so much time tied to.

"I have to get out of here!" I yelled.

"Oh come on now, princess. That kinda hurts my feelings, we had so much fun together and now you just wanna leave?" He chuckled.

"T-Tanner?" I whispered. Suddenly his ghastly figure stepped out of the shadows, with the same evil smile. He rushed to me and pushed me up against the wall. He placed a strong hand on my throat, smile on his face and tears in my eyes.

"That's right, princess. Ready to have some more fun?" He whispered. Tears fell from my eyes as I shook my head.

"Too bad."

He forcefully threw me to the ground and I landed on my stomach. When I flipped onto my back, I was in my bedroom. I looked around the room, finding it empty. I panted, and soon caught my breath.

I sighed and rose to my feet, walking into my bathroom. I turned on the faucet, splashing water on my face. I looked up to the mirror, my face was in its normal state. I licked my lips and blinked my eyes a few times, then I changed. My fangs popped out and my eyes darkened. Upon looking in the mirror; it instantly shattered. I covered my face with my hands, to shield myself from the sharp shards of glass, then looked back to the mirror.

Voices whispered to me, somewhat inaudibly. 'Monster' they called me.

I ran out of my bathroom and down the stairs with tears filling my eyes. Then suddenly, I was hearing voices once again, in my head. Some were whispering some were yelling, but they were all saying the same thing, and the voice... I recognized it, it was Quincy's.

"You're a monster Nicole! You're nothing but a vicious monster! Your mates don't love you, how could they love a murderer?!" His voice said over and over.

I got to the bottom of the stairs and tripped, falling to the floor. I grabbed my head with my hands, covering my ears in hopes to block the voices. But they only grew louder. I looked up slightly, to see a pair of feet planted in front of me, I fully looked up to see Quincy standing there with blood dripping from his neck.

"You did this to me Nicole. I was your friend and this is what I get out of it?" He said in a tone filled with hatred. He bent down and grabbed me by my throat, and he slowly lifted me off of the floor. My legs swung in the air as he held me tightly. I attempted to pry his hand away from my throat, but it was to no avail. Quincy glared at me as he held me above his head.

*Michael's POV

I walked through the parking lot of the blood bank, it was getting dark out. So I started heading home, that's when I saw a hunter, he had his gun pointed at me. A smile appeared on his face when he aimed his gun towards my chest. I couldn't get shot again. I turned and ran down an alley, and barged through a door of a random building. As I emerged through the door, I realized I was in the dining room. Nicole was standing in front of me, her back was turned so I couldn't see her face.

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