forty three

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*Ashton's POV

"They're just taunting us. We have no reason to trust these guys! We should just try and find her!" Michael said rather loudly. He turned away and started to head for the door.

"We can't!" Luke said, in attempt to stop Michael.

"Why not?!" Michael yelled, turning back.  

"They have Nicole, they're hurting her! We have to listen to what they say." I yelled right back at him.

He huffed and ran his hand through his hair. By that time it was dark out, and time was flying by. We'd made it clear to each other that we couldn't go look for Nicole, so all we could do... was wait.

*Nicole's POV

It's been a while since Tanner left, and so far no beatings from the other guys. I guess that was his job. Jackass. I had to had been there for a while. It felt like it was already the next day. I was starving, I hadn't fed in hours. My leg was covered in dried blood, and my face was stained with dried tears.

Maybe I'll bleed out or die of hunger. Maybe the boys will never come. I might not ever see my mates again. This fucking sucks

My thinking was interrupted by the door flying open. Was it the boys?! No, of course not. It was Tanner. Always nice to see him.

"Hello again. How are you doing down here?" He said as he pressed his hand onto the knife wound he had made. I winced and took in a sharp breath.

Tanner laughed, and continued to taunt me. "Princess isn't so talkative now is she? Hmm? Where's that smart mouth of yours?"

I huffed through the gag, deciding that it probably wasn't the best time to try my luck and say something snarky. He stood up with a chuckle and observed his palm, which was laced with my blood. He lifted it to his lips, then licked the blood off of his hand. He crouched back down to my level and wiped his hand on the leg of my pants. He reached behind his back and pulled the knife back out. I tried to move away but the chains held me still. I tried to cry out to someone, anyone, but the gag muffled my call. Tears ran down my cheek as I saw him wave the blade around in the air like it was a brand new toy.

"Shhh, shhh. Princess it's alright." He hushed me, placing his hand on my thigh.

He placed the cool metal against my cheek, and quickly ran it across my skin. He left a small cut, but it stung none the less. I could feel blood seep out of the cut, and trickle down to my chin. He repeated the same motions two more times, but each gash got deeper than the last.

The amount of blood loss I suffered made me lightheaded and dizzy, soon after I passed out.

*Michael's POV

None of us had gotten any sleep what so ever. Nicole was taken last night, it was now six in the morning. I tried not to take my anger out on the boys so I ended up taking it out on the wall. I punched it hard, leaving a dent and some cracks.

Luke came up behind me. "Michael calm down!"

"I can't calm down Luke! They're torturing her, and all we're doing is sitting here on our asses!"

"Listen, I know you want to save her. We all do. But we can't take the risk of going out to try and find her, it could just get us all killed."

Involuntarily; a tear slipped from my eye. Luke immediately pulled me in for a hug, and I held tightly onto his shoulders. He was trying to remain calm, as he tried to comfort me. But I could read his mind, he was dying on the inside. The idea of Nicole being hurt was killing him. He needed closure just as much as I did.

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