thirty eight

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oh my god, i feel like you guys have been waiting so long for this chapter and you were so looking forward to it. but as you read it you realize it's crap and you become disappointed. and all i can think about is you guys thinking "i waited all that time for this? this shit is so boring." anyway, sorry in advance.

*Nicole's POV

I screamed as the tree fell, quickly, getting closer to me by the second. Shock took over my body, and I was too frightened to move. The tree was practically on top of me when all of a sudden two arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me out of the way of the falling tree. I dug my face into the person's chest, and let out a shaky breath. I heard a loud noise, and recognized that it was the tree crashing onto the ground. Suddenly an arm went behind my back and then one under my legs, and I was lifted off of the ground bridal style. I kept my shut, but I clung onto that person for dear life, feeling like, if I were to be set down I would end up back under the tree and be crushed.

I slowly opened my eyes; looking up I saw Luke staring back down at me, his eyes filled with worry. His hair was wet and flat against his forehead. And the light grey shirt that hugged his shoulders was darkened by the rain.

"Are you alright? Are you hurt?" He asked frantically. My vision was obstructed by the raindrops that had gathered on my eyelashes, but I could still see the worried look on Luke's face as he asked me repeatedly if I was alright.

I only nodded back in response, he tightened his grip, sped to the back porch, and into the house. Michael, who was now peanut butter free, was waiting with a dry towel in his arms, Luke handed me over and Michael wrapped me in the towel. After swaddling me, he wrapped his arms around me and held me close.

Michael that was so scary, I thought the tree was going to crush me.

"Shhh, it's alright. We would never have let that happen. You're fine now." Michael cooed. He unwrapped his arms from me and took a step back. Once he had moved I saw Calum standing behind him with a guilty look on his, make-up free, face. I walked towards him as he opened his arms. He kissed my forehead, but let his lips linger there for a while. He hugged me tightly and began to ramble off apologies.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry! I'm an idiot. I almost got you killed! I never should have told you to go outside. I'm such a fucking screw up! I-"

"Calum." I calmly interrupted to stop his rambling. I took my thumb and wiped the stray tears that fell from his eyes. "You are not an idiot, nor a screw up. And I'm fine. So just shut up and hug me!" I ordered.

He chuckled and pulled me back in for a hug. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped mine around his torso, burying my head in his neck. I pulled away, and he gave me a quick kiss on my cheek. I looked down and realized that I was still in my bra and underwear, both of which were still wet. I told the boys that I was going to dry off and change in my room. "Be right back." I said as I rushed up the stairs.

I shut the door as I entered my room. I walked towards my dresser and pulled out new undergarments. I pulled off my wet clothes and dried off. I slipped on my new underwear and bra, then I slipped on a plain navy pullover and some black cotton shorts that were covered by the pullover. I let my damp hair cascade down my shoulders, not bothering to put it up or brush it out. I hung up my towel, then exited my room to head downstairs.

By that time it was around noon, and it was still dark and stormy outside. The thunder rumbled as the rain hit the windows. I silently walked down the steps to find the boys huddled on one couch, each wearing sweatpants and band t-shirts, and wrapped in blankets; soundly sleeping. Michael and Luke were resting their heads on Ashton's shoulders and Calum had his head placed in his hand.

As I reached the bottom of the steps my stomach rumbled, and I took that as my queue to have some more blood. The power had been out for a while, hopefully the blood hadn't gone bad. I pulled a bag out of the fridge and poured some blood into a cup. After gulping it down, I set the glass in the sink, and strolled back into the living room. The boys still laid there silently, calmly undisturbed, as if they were statues. I decided to take a nap on the opposite couch, since I didn't want to disturb the guys and there was nothing better to do. I curled myself onto the couch with a blanket wrapped tightly around me.

*time skip

"You'll wake her up!" A voice whispered harshly.

"Shut up dumbass." Whispered another.

"Don't fucking swear dipshit!" Another scolded.

"Shut up I'm sleeping!" I groaned. With my eyes still closed; I grabbed the closest thing to me, which was a pillow, and threw it towards the cluster of voices.

"Hey watch it!" A voice, I recognized as Michael's, yelled playfully. I chuckled and opened one eye. I saw Calum, Michael, and Ashton standing beside the couch with amused smiles on their faces.

"Good news. Power came back on, and we ordered some Chinese food for dinner." Calum exclaimed.

"Food!" I yelled, earning equal laughs from the three. I threw off the blanket and made a dash for the kitchen.

*time skip

After dinner we found ourselves back on the couch, cuddling and watching a movie. My head was placed on Ashton's lap and my legs were sprawled across Luke. Ashton absentmindedly toyed with my hair, twisting some strands between his fingers. I turned my head away from the TV and looked up at him. I flashed him a toothy smile which he returned. I raised my hand up and cupped his cheek gently. He placed his hand over mind and rubbed soothing circles with his thumb. He leaned down and placed a kiss softly on my lips, once he pulled away I smiled and turned back to the TV. Soon after I my eyes fluttered closed and I fell asleep.

I'm sorry, so sorry. That was pretty bad.

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