twenty three

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*Ashton's POV

I was staring into Nicole's eyes and they were jet black. Her fangs were longer than I expected them to be. She is totally different to what I expected her to turn into. She was beautiful.

"I have no idea how this is possible, it's amazing though. You're remarkable." She changed back and her cheeks turned red instantly.

"Thanks Ashton" She said sweetly.

"Let's go out front, I want to see what else you can do."

"Ok let's go!" She turns and sprints for the door.

We all make it outside. And Nicole is standing out in the open just staring, looking around at everything.

*Nicole's POV

I walk out the door and stop in front of the porch. I look around. I remembered that Ashton said that vampire's senses are heightened. I could hear everything- birds ruffling their feathers trying to stay warm, the wind blowing against the tall grass. My eyesight was so much better as well, I could see a doe hiding in the bushes off to the side of the house. My sense of smell was ten times better, I could smell the pine cones, the tree sap, and the brisk winter air.

So far I was enjoying being dead.

The boys came out of the house. "So what's your plan Master Jedi?" I asked them.

"Well" Luke said "Let's see how quick you are, race me to the edge of town and back. Loser gets kissed."

"Okay." I chuckled.

I stood next to him. Ashton counted us off "Ready.... Go!"

I ran as fast I could and for the first two seconds I was in front of Luke, but he was easily in front of me in no time. We made it back to the house.

"Aw Nicole you were so close!" Calum said.

Luke wrapped his arms around my neck "Better luck next time." He passionately kissed my lips. And it got more intimate when I grabbed his waist and started to kiss him back.

Michael coughed so we would stop kissing.

"Coming down with a cold Mikey?"

"What? Oh yeah its getting pretty bad." He coughed again then started smiling.

"So now what?" I looked at Calum.

He walked down the steps and stopped in front of me, he was just in arms length. Luke walked away and sat on the porch steps.

"I want to see how good of a fighter you are. So make your move."

"Are you sure? I mean I don't want to hurt you."

"Yeah I'm positive. If I get badly hurt I can just heal mysel-"

His sentence was cut short by my fist to his nose.

"Oooh!" all the boys exclaimed.

He stumbled back almost falling on his ass. I put my hands over my mouth and gasped.

"God damn! You pack a punch! Nice."

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine, come one what else you got?"

He took a swing at me and I blocked it. He was chuckling to himself now. He went for a left hook, I ducked and kicked the back of his legs and he fell flat on his back. I started to kneel on his chest.

"You are tougher than you look." He said. I stepped off his chest and offered him my hand to help him up. He grabbed my hand only to twist it behind my back so I couldn't move. I stepped on his foot he let go of my arm. I turned and pushed my hand outward, I didn't even touch him. But my powers forced him to fly back and he hit a near by tree.

"Calum!" I yelled. I ran out to him, he was sitting at the base of the tree. The boys ran up behind me.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry! I swear I didn't mean to-"

"Hey it's alright I'm fine."

He stood up and walked it off.

"See I'm good."

"Dude, she took you out!" Michael was laughing at Calum.

"I think that's enough beatings for now." Ashton said.

I took Calum's hand and we walked inside. I sat down on the couch and turned on 'How I Met Your Mother'. The boys walked into the kitchen.

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