twenty six

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*Nicole's POV

I slept with Mikey last night and I woke up next to him our backs were turned, so we weren't facing each other. I looked over my shoulder, and he was still asleep. I quietly got out of bed and walked downstairs. I found Ashton and Luke in the dining room sitting at the table, just talking.

"Morning beautiful." Luke said quietly.

"Hey" I said still not fully awake. I was still a bit drowsy. I took a seat next to Ashton and he kissed my temple. Ashton had a mug, and from what I could tell is was filled with blood, and he handed it to me. I took it in my hands, it was warm. I took a sip from it, and I could instantly tell it was that crap from the fridge. I managed to swallow it, but I choked at the awful taste. I set it down on the table.

"Keep sipping on that, it will help with the hunger. We are taking you out today to see how you good you are with controlling yourself. It would be easier for you if you weren't as hungry." Ashton said.

"Ok" I took another sip and scrunched my nose, which made Ashton giggle.

"Hey don't laugh!" I said while laughing. He couldn't help but giggle so I punched him lightly in the shoulder.

"Ow ok" he said but kept laughing. He rubbed his hand where I hit him.

I heard footsteps and I turned around to see Calum. He rubbed the top of my head and sat down next to Luke.

"Why are you guys up so early?" He asked then yawned.

"Dude it's like 10 o'clock." Luke said.

"What really? And Mikey is still asleep?" Calum asked.

"Yeah he's snoring in my bed."

"Hey, let's go have some fun!" Luke said standing up. He walked out of the dining room, not before grabbing a Sharpie off of the kitchen counter.

We all followed him up the stairs to my room. We walked in to find Mikey still asleep lying on his back.

"Want to do the honors?" Luke whispered to me.

"Totally." I grabbed the marker from his hand and walked over to Mikey. The boys stood behind me giggling.

"Ssssh!" I said not trying to giggle. "Shut up you're going to wake him up, idiots!"

They all put their hands over their mouths to try and contain their laughter. Calum found my bag from the other day and took out the camera. He turned it on and directed it towards Mikey's face. We were all whispering and shushing each other. I put my finger over my lips.

As quietly as I could I took the cap off of the maker. I gently pressed it against his face, I drew a mustache on his upper lip. I started laughing, and so did the boys. The next thing I drew was circles around his eyes so that it looked like he was wearing glasses. The boys were practically dying of laughter behind me, and Calum was still filming.

That's when Ashton grew a weird look on his face. His nose scrunched and his eyes shut.

"He's going to sneeze!" Calum whispered.

"No no no no! You are going to wake him up!" Luke quietly exclaimed.

Luke and I ran over to him just in time and covered his mouth to muffle the sneeze. Luke and I removed our hands, and the four of us released a sigh of relief. Mikey was still asleep. I was about to walk back over to him when out of nowhere Ashton let out another big sneeze, and no one had time to cover his mouth!

*Michael's POV

I woke up too a loud sneeze, I opened my eyes to see everyone standing around Nicole's bed. Nicole was standing at the side of the bed she had something in her hand- Ashton and Luke were behind her, and Calum was standing at the end of the bed with a camera in his hand.

"What are you guys doing? Calum are you filming us? Nicole are you holding a Sharpie?"

Before anyone could speak I put my hand up to my face and wiped it. I looked down at my hand to see black ink on my hand. They all were laughing at me now.

"Oh my god, I'm going to kill you guys!" I yelled.

They all bolted out of the room, the guys ran but stayed upstairs. I saw Nicole run down the stairs, so I went after her.

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