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*Nicole's POV

We rushed inside. Mikey set the pizzas down and read the note out loud to the rest of us.

"Well what the hell is that supposed to mean?" I said running my hand through my hair again. My cheeks were still wet from my tears, and I could feel the sting of my bloodshot eyes.

"It means what it says. They are coming for us!" Mikey said.

"We don't even know who 'they' are." Luke said.

"Jamie had bite marks on his neck. It has to be those vampires that have been killing all of those people." I said.

"And it seems pretty clear that they want us gone." Ashton said.

"What are we supposed to do with... Jamie?" I asked. "Can we call the police?"

"No!" Ashton shot, "That will draw to much attention to us. We have to bury the body."

"I can't. I'm not doing that! You guys go, I just... I can't deal with that." I stammered, tears forming on the brims of my eyes.

"We will do it, just stay here and don't leave the house." Calum said. "Luke will you stay with Nicole?"


The boys wrapped Jamie in an old sheet. Michael flung him over his shoulder, Ashton and Calum had shovels in hand. They left -going deep into the woods, I guess. I tried my hardest not to think about it.

*Luke's POV

Nicole was pacing around the living room, she was obviously upset about what just happened. Who wouldn't be, honestly? I didn't blame her, I would probably be doing the same. I sat on the couch and worryingly watched her pace back and forth. Yet she payed no attention to me.

"Babe..." I said, my voice hushed.

She didn't respond.

"Baby..." I said a bit louder.

Again, no response.

"Nicole!" I yelled.

"What?!" She yelled right back.

"Can you please stop pacing, you're only going to tire yourself out. I hate to see you all worked up."

"No, no I can't... I jus-just... I have to keep walking."

She was having some sort of panic attack, she was breathing heavily, she was flustered, and her speaking gibberish didn't help anything. She would rub her shaking hands on her shirt, trying to remove the sweat.

"Nicole, beautiful, you need to calm down. Please." I stood up and took her into my arms. Her whole body shook. I stroked the back of her head in attempted to calm her down.

"Shhhh... You're ok, you're safe with me. I promise." I kissed the top of her head.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"Nicole, go to your room and lock the door."

She stood frozen in fear, her eyes locked on the door. I grabbed her shoulders and shook her from her daze.

"Nicole, go!"

She nodded quickly and ran up to her room, I heard her door slam. Cautiously, I made my way to the front door. There was another knock. I took a deep breath and opened the door... and nothing. Nothing. No one was there. What? Well at least that's what I thought, until some random guy came around the corner and I got punched in the face and fell to the floor. The impact of my head to the floor was enough to render me unconscious.

A/N : sorry kinda really short. :/
I'll update soon 'cause I love you guys. Make sure you stay awesome.

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