forty seven

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*Calum's POV

I jumped out of the car when we got to the house and helped Luke carry Nicole inside. Michael ran inside in front of us and brushed all the stuff on the dining room table onto the floor. We gently laid Nicole down. Ashton grabbed a cloth from one of the kitchen drawers, lifted Nicole's head slightly, and slipped the cloth under her head to make a makeshift pillow. 

"I'm sorry." I whispered to Nicole, brushing a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "I'm so sorry."

I took a deep breath and assessed her wounds, there were many, so I decided to start with the ones on her legs. I pressed my hands onto a deep cut on her thigh, and she started screaming. She sat up, causing me to take a step back. She changed and pushed her hands in my direction, using her powers to send me flying backwards. I crashed into Michael -making us both tumble to the floor, landing with a grunt. Luke helped us up, while Ashton tried, but failed, to calm Nicole down. The four of us used our combined strength to pin Nicole onto the table.

"Why the hell did she do that?!" I yelled. 

"She's not thinking straight. She thought you were going to hurt her!" Michael yelled back. "She doesn't realize it's us!"

She was wailing and her tears were running down the sides of her face. I pressed my hand back on her thigh and began to heal her, but that only made her scream louder.

"Nicole you're safe ok?! You're ok! No one's going to hurt you!" Luke yelled at Nicole, trying to overpower her screams.

My hands began to glow and her leg was soon healed. She calmed down a little, but she still kept crying. Not as hard as before, soon it was just soft sobs. She stopped thrashing, so the boys released their grip. I lifted her shirt up to find her skin laced with purple and black marks and cuts, some deep and some shallow, she was also thin, so thin it was unhealthy. I gently turned her on her side so I could inspect her back. I wish I hadn't. Her back was covered with large gashes, lash marks, and blood; she'd been whipped. I never wanted this for her, she didn't deserve it, any of it.

"Boys come look at this." I whispered. They came and looked at her back and gasped. I looked over my shoulder and saw that they all had tears in their eyes. Luke left my side and sat in front of Nicole, holding her hand.

"I'm so sorry... I broke my promise." He whispered as he kissed her forehead. I placed my hand on her back and she flinched away, whimpering quietly. I heard a sniffle, tearing my eyes away from Nicole, I saw Luke crying. He probably blamed himself for all that's happened to her.

A while later, she was fully healed. My hands, her body, and her clothes were covered in blood.

I wanted to let her sleep, so I decided to take her up to her room, where I laid her down. I peeled off her bloody shirt and I ran down to the kitchen. I grabbed a large bowl, and once back in her room I filled it with hot water. I took a rag and got it wet, then began to rub the blood off of her skin. I was able to clean all of the blood off of her, and by the time I was finished the water in the bowl was a dark, crimson red. I took a clean shirt of mine, from my closet, and slipped it on her. Soon I situated myself next to her. I pulled up the covers and put my arm around her waist to make sure that she couldn't leave even if she wanted to. With the events of the last two weeks haunting me, I wasn't about to let Nicole out of my sight. I held her close, determined not to let her go. I was tempted to stay awake, but soon I got tired, and my eyelids drooped. Soon they were fully closed and I fell asleep.

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