sixty five

591 17 0

*time skip

*Nicole's POV

There were loud sirens blaring, and red and blue lights flashing through my widow. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, trying to get the sleep away. I looked over at Calum, who was only half awake. I stretched my arms and stood up, making my way over to my window. I saw that there were police officers, an ambulance, yellow police tape, and a bunch of other people over at our neighbor's house. I let out a quiet gasp. I didn't know our neighbors all to well, but the sight still shocked me. What happened, I wonder.

"What is it babe?" Calum asked groggily, as he trudged over to me. His eyes widened when he saw what I had.

"I don't know, but I want to find out."

"I'm not sure that's a good idea." He said, his voice uneasy.

"Why not? I just want to go look." I protested.

"Fine. Come on."

With that I slipped on a bra, sweatpants, and my Vans. Calum put on his skinny jeans and Converse and we went downstairs. We found Ashton and Michael at the bottom of the stairs talking about something that I wasn't interested in at the moment. I just wanted to know what was going on outside. I walked out of the front door and down the driveway to the neighbors house. When I got to the house I was stopped by the police tape, Calum came up behind me and rested his hand on my shoulder. I peered over the tape, and into the yard of our neighbor's house. I tall man, who I presumed was the Sheriff, was concentrating on a writing tablet in his hand.

Soon after two men, who had jackets that had 'M.E.' written on the backs, came out of the house with a stretcher, and something with a black tarp over it. I instantly assumed that it was a dead body. Then, a minute or two later, they wheeled out three more bodies. Calum pulled me in and held me close to his chest, his over-protectiveness kicking in. 

All of a sudden I hear a car door slam, Calum and I swiftly turned around to see two guys. Both were tall, well built, one had long-ish hair, kinda like Ashton's but less curly, and the other had shorter hair, and wearing suits. The car that they got out of was a vintage black Chevy. They walked up to the guys in charge and showed him their badges.

This is the part where I use my vampire abilities to pry. I turned my head to better hear their conversation.

"I'm agent Kane, this is my partner agent Rosewood. FBI." The one with shorter hair said. FBI? Why would the FBI be here?

"This way agents." The Sheriff said. He took the two FBI agents into the house. A while later they came back out. I closely listened to the conversation between the two agents as they made their way back to their car.

"So no sulfur, no EMF, but signs of forced entry. Could this just be death by natural causes?" The agent with the short hair asked.

What the hell?

"No way Dean. The parents and kids died of heart failure, at the exact same time. And none of them, had any record of heart issues. This has to be something supernatural."

What?! These guys so aren't FBI.

"Alright, let's go get a burger, do some research. I want to come back tomorrow and talk to the neighbors." 'Dean' said, getting into the drivers side of their car. 

(If you guys haven't caught on this is Sam and Dean from Supernatural)

"Nicole, I think we should go home." Calum said, concern apparent in his tone.

"Great idea." We both nodded and rushed home. When we got inside, we walked into the kitchen and saw the guys looking out of the window. I cleared my throat and they turned around.

"What's going on out there?" Michael asked.

"It's a long story, I'll explain in the living room. C'mon."

I swiftly walked into the living room with Calum, and the other three soon followed behind. I proceeded to explain what we saw and heard.

*time skip

"Wait... so they aren't FBI?" Luke asked.

"I don't think they are, with all the stuff that they were talking about, and they mentioned the supernatural. I think these guys are hunters." I explained. "But they aren't looking for vampires, so we are safe for now."

"But you said that they wanted to talk to neighbors tomorrow." Ashton interjected.

"Yeah but they won't suspect us of anything, the thing that killed them doesn't do it like vampires would. They all died of heart attacks."

Our conversation put everyone on edge. Hunters in town, looking to kill supernatural beings like us, that would put anyone on edge.

*Dean's POV

We grabbed a couple of burgers to go and made our way back to the motel to do some research. I sat and ate my burger while Sam pulled out his laptop and started typing away.

"Ok so this is the second case of 'simultaneous heart failure' in the past few months. The last one was down south just about thirty miles away, a woman and her two children found in their beds, untouched, cause of death was cardiac arrest but TOD was the exact same time. Can't be a coincidence." Sam explained.

I took a quick swig of my beer before asking "So what are we thinking here? A demon that causes heart attacks?"

"Could be a Djin. You know the thing that puts people in a trance like state, and it causes the victim to have nightmares so terrifying that the person scares themselves until their hearts give out."

(I realize that, that's not what Djin's do in the show. I just wanted to change it a little and not totally copy the idea. If you don't like it, don't read it.)

"Alright then. I want to know if this is random, or if this thing just held a grudge. Let's talk to family and neighbors tomorrow."

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