thirty six

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*time skip

*Nicole's POV

The next morning I woke up at Ashton's side. He was still peacefully sleeping. I propped myself up on my elbows and stared at him. Not in a creepy way, like in admiration. He was so handsome all of the boys were. I was a very lucky girl to have four very attractive mates. His sandy blonde curls hung in front of his eyes. I did my best to move them and not wake him. I brushed the hair from his face. I leaned in and gave him a small kiss on his cheek. I had woken him up. Oops.

"Morning sleeping beauty." I said.

"Morning. If I'm the beauty, dose that make you the beast?" He asked jokingly, his voice raspy and low.

"No." I giggled.

"I know if anyone here is beautiful it's you." He said. I felt my cheeks turn a light shade of red. "C'mon beautiful, let's go down stairs."

Ashton sat up and turned his back towards me. "Hop on."

I got onto Ashton's back and he carefully carried me downstairs to the living room where we found the boys.

"Morning boys."

We were welcome by a chorus of 'hi's and 'hey's. I scrambled off of Ashton's back and sat down next to Michael.

"Hi Nicky." He chirped gleefully.

"Hi." I chuckled in response.

"Would you like some blood?"

"Yes please!" I said, my appetite prominent.

"Good, now go get us some." He said with a grin.

I rolled my eyes and stood up from the couch. "Cheeky bastard." I smirked.

I returned from the kitchen with a mug of warm blood for me and Michael to share. I took the first sip before handing it to him, eventually we went back and froth drinking from the mug until it was empty.

"Guys let's go for a walk." I suggested.

"What is it with you and walking?" Michael asked.

"I like walking, it helps me think. And I don't want to get fat from sitting around eating junk food and playing video games."

"You won't get fat." Michael said, attempting to coax me to stay in instead of going out.

"Maybe I will, maybe I won't. Either way, I'm going for a walk. You guys can come of you want." I offered.

"I'll come."

"I'm in."

"Sure why not."


"Alright, only 'cause I don't want to be stuck here by myself."

"Ok then, I'm going to change. Be right back."

I sped up to my room, changing into black leggings, a dark grey acid wash cropped sweater, socks, and my grey Vans. I threw my hair into a high ponytail and quickly braided it. Casual but comfortable.

I ran back downstairs to find two of the four boys waiting. Ashton and Calum. Knowing Luke and Michael, we would probably be waiting for another hour. But against my beliefs, we had only waited five minutes until the lanky boys stumbled down the stairs.

"C'mon." I said, guiding the boys down the rough path. We continued down the path until we came upon a small stream. I sat down at the base of a tree and shut my eyes, listening to he rush of the water. Soon after the boys sat next to me and we got to talking again. We sat in a circle, just talking.

"Nicole how was your life, before you met us?" Calum questioned, after we had been talking for a while.

My smile slowly faltered then faded all together. I let out a breath I didn't realize I had been holding in, and replied. "It was ok. I guess" I sighed.

"What do you mean?"

"Calum don't push it." Ashton warned.

"No it's ok, he can ask if he wants to." I said defending Calum. I let out another deep breath and began my story.

"I'm an only child, my parents died when I was sixteen, I only had a couple of close friends but they all moved away, I was teased in high school about things like how I looked and how I dressed and what kind of music I listened to. The bullying was mostly verbal, only sometimes physical. I dropped out of school, and lived on my own for the past few years. And that's me in a nutshell." I said, I felt tears forming in my eyes but I blinked them back, taking another deep breath.

My past had always been a touchy subject, a lot of death and disappointment. But my life has been so much better since the boys came into the picture, they make me happy, and I'm so thankful.

I felt a cold hand go onto my back and start to rub soothing circles. I looked over at Calum, and he scooted closer. I rested my head on his shoulder and released a large breath. He leaned in and whispered to me through my hair.

"I'm sorry." He said, then gave my temple a quick kiss. I looked up at him, giving him a look that said that it was alright. I smiled then looked over at the other boys.

Luckily they changed the subject, and we began talking about other things, I mentally thanked them for that. They probably understand that my past wasn't something that I enjoyed talking about, and they don't want me to be upset. Somehow, after talking for a while, we got onto the topic of who would win in a boxing match between Santa Claus and the Easter bunny. Despite the fact that they guys are all over two hundred, they can act like teenagers, sometimes they even act like toddlers. Arguing over who took who's slice of pizza or who stole Ashton's underwear. It's funny really.

When you think about, you'd expect them to be mature after being alive for so long. It's almost like the opposite when you really get to know them, they love pizza, video games, listening to music really loudly and dancing horribly to it, they have piercings and tattoos but they're so cuddly and cute, Luke sleeps with a stuffed penguin for God's sake. In reality, they're just kids at heart.

We were still debating over who would win the fight, when we heard a crack of thunder. I looked up at the grey sky, clouds blocked the sun so it was getting darker by the minute. I began to hear the faint noise of rain hitting the leaves of the trees.

"I think we should head back." I said with a smile.

"Ok let's go." Mikey said, standing up. He extended his hand and pulled me to my feet. We started to slowly walk back to the house when it started to downpour, then we used our super speed to get us into the house quicker.
My clothes had gotten wet, so had the boys', so we decided to change. I sped up to my room and stripped of my wet clothes. I walked into my bathroom and grabbed a towel from the rack, rubbing my hair to get it dry. I threw on a pair of black sweatpants, and a maroon crop top/tank top. I slowly walked downstairs, and sat beside Luke on the couch.


Boring filler chapter, it will get better I promise.

I'm sorry you guys have to read such terrible writing. But I love you guys for reading this far. ♡♡♡

Stay awesome.
I love you.

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