forty eight

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*Nicole's POV

Tanner walked up to me, I was still lying on the floor, but I wasn't in too much pain. I sat up when he crouched in front of me, he started to chuckle, and I furrowed my eyebrows. What the hell is he laughing at? Suddenly, the door burst open and they boys strolled in.

"Thank god! Guys get me the hell out of here!"

They walked over to me but something was off about them, they each had an evil smirk on their face. All of a sudden Tanner pulled the whip out from behind his back and handed it to Luke. Luke took it from him and smiled. I looked at him in shock, Ashton and Calum rushed to me and picked me up off of the floor and held me still. I struggled to get out of their grip, but it was too strong.

"Shhh, babe calm down. This will only hurt a lot." Calum whispered in my ear. I looked up at him with frightened eyes, and he smiled.

Calum and Ashton turned me around so my back was facing Luke, and then he began to whip me.

"No! Let me go! Stop, Luke! Please, please stop!" I cried out.

Tanner and Michael started to laugh hysterically, and that familiar sensation of pain washed over me once again. With each lash, my screams became louder and more tears flowed down my cheeks.

"Nicole! Nicole wake up!"

*Calum's POV

I woke up to a loud shuffling noise. I shot my eyes open, looking frantically around Nicole's room. I looked down, seeing Nicole tossing and turning like crazy, and she mumbled incoherent words. I sat up to look at her better, she was drenched in sweat, her brown hair was sticking to her forehead. She flailed her arms and kicked her legs, ruffling the sheets. Then she began to talk again, only louder.

"No!.... Stop!... Please!"

She started to cry. She was definitely having a nightmare. I had to wake her up.

"Nicole! Nicole wake up!" I grabbed her shoulders and gently shook her.

She sat straight up, taking deep breaths and looking around. When she laid her eyes on me she jumped out of the bed and ran to the corner of the room. I could hear her cry and my heart shattered, she was just so scared. I instantly ran over to her, her head was resting on her knees as she rocked back and forth. I kneeled down next to her, and gently rubbed my hand against her arm but she flinched away.

"Please, no... Don't hurt me." She begged.

"Nicole... Look, it's me, it's Calum. I promise I won't hurt you. Whatever happened in your nightmare, it wasn't real." I said slowly, trying to assure her that I meant no harm.

She looked up at me, but she was still frightened. I noticed her red, puffy eyes, and the tear stains on her cheeks. I slowly reached my hand out, and she hesitantly placed her hand in mine. I quickly pulled her in and wrapped my arms around her. She continued to tremble and cry. I held her tight, close my chest, and she took hold of my shirt.

"Please don't let them hurt me." She kept crying.

"Shhh, babe it's ok. You're safe, you're at home. You're with me and the boys, we won't let anyone hurt you. Shhh, you're ok." I said, rubbing her back.

We sat on the floor for a while. Nicole continued to cry quietly, and I tried my best to calm her down.

"I missed you." She whispered suddenly.

"I missed you too." I said and I kissed her head. I rocked her back and forth and stroked her hair.

"I love you Nicole." I said onto her head, after placing a kiss there. 

"I love you too, Calum." She said before sniffling.

I picked her up bridal style and placed her in bed next to me. She had her head placed on my chest. I rubbed her back soothingly and kissed her forehead. I watched as her breathing steadied and her chest rose and fell at a normal rate. I fell asleep to the sound of her light, quiet snores.

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