twenty øne

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*Nicole's POV

I felt my temperature drop, and my heart stopped beating. I sat up and looked at my skin I was somewhat paler. I looked over at the boys and they slowly made their was my direction. Ashton put his hand out to me, I snarled at him, I felt my fangs come out and my eyes change color. They all took a step back.


I tilted my head, when Calum said my name. They looked scared. I stood up, and they slowly did as well. They kept their distance. I was confused.

What is wrong with them?

"Nicole, your eyes aren't glowing. They're completely black..." Mikey said.

I closed my eyes and concentrated on retracting my fangs. It worked I felt my eyes change color. "Why is my throat so sore?!"

"It is a side affect of turning, you need blood." Ashton said. He ran out of the room and was back two seconds later with a bag from the fridge. He threw it to me and I changed. I bit into it immediately. It soothed my throat but it tasted terrible so I spit it out all over the floor.

"Oh my god, that tastes like shit!"

"We can't let you have anything else yet, you don't know how to control your thirst." Ashton said.

"I need something else. A living person. If you won't give it to me I'll have to get it myself!" The boys came at me and I knew they were going to try to stop me. They took hold of me.

"Get off!" I threw them off of me and they all hit the wall. I ran out of the house to find blood.

*Luke's POV

She pushed us all against the wall. Then left. We had to get her back before she started a killing spree.

"How is she so strong?" I asked out loud.

"All newly turned vampires are naturally stronger than others." Ashton answered.

"What was wrong with her eyes?" Calum said.

"I have no idea, I've never seen anything like that before. She needs to feed so she's a threat to herself and others, we have to find her." On that note we all ran after her.

*Nicole's POV

I ran so fast, I stopped and realized I was at the edge of town. I had a feeling of anger and rage, I needed to get fresh blood. I walked down the main road and turned into an alley where I found a guy smoking.

He was leaning against a wall. I walked up to him, and I gave him a smile. He smiled back.

"Hey I've had a really bad day, and I left my pack at home. Could I trouble you for a cigarette?"

"For a pretty girl like you, no trouble at all."

"Thanks. You got a light?"

"Yeah sure." He lit the end I inhaled the smoke and I puffed it out of my nose. I leaned against the wall next to him.

"Rough day?"

"You could say that." I dropped the bud and crushed it under my shoe. I put my hands on his shoulders.

"Thanks for the smoke." I whispered into his ear. Right after I changed and sunk my fangs into his neck. His blood ran down my throat, it was warm and it tasted so good. I took every ounce from his body, he was dead. I took my fangs out of his neck, and I could feel his blood dripping from my chin. I liked my fingers and laughed at the sight of the guy collapsed on the cold ground.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, I felt myself get pushed onto the wall. It was Luke and Michael they pinned me against the bricks and I couldn't get out of their grasp. Calum and Ashton crouched down next to the guy I fed off of.

"He's dead." Ashton said.

"We have to leave him... we need to get her back home, and we can't risk anyone seeing us." Michael said.

"Let me find another one, I'm so thirsty." I demanded in a sadistic tone.

"No" Ashton said his voice was stern. He stood up and turned towards me his eyes started to glow. "Go to sleep" and I passed out again.

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