sixty nine

933 19 20

*time skip

*third person

Sam and Dean grabbed their weapons out from the trunk of their Impala, and proceeded to the mansion. Both of them having a small machete, a stake, and a gun.

"I'm assuming they're mated. We kill one, they're all dead." Dean said, as they walked up the driveway towards the house. "If they're not then... we'll just see how this goes."

Nicole and the boys were still sleeping soundly in her bed upstairs.

Sam and Dean made their way up the steps of the porch, and to the front door. Sam kneeled in front of the door and picked the lock as quickly and quietly as he could. After he unlocked the door, he pushed it open.

Michael sat up, a clicking sound ringing in his ears. He shook the others so they would wake up.

"Guys someone is in the house. I heard the front door open." He whispered.

Luke, Calum, and Nicole began to groan while Michael tried to shush them. Ashton got up and tip toed to Nicole's bedroom door. He crept out of her room and looked over the railing, and just like Michael had said, there were people in their house. He silently sped back into Nicole's room.

"It's those to FBI guys who aren't FBI. They're downstairs." Ashton whispered.

Meanwhile downstairs, Sam and Dean were searching the place top to bottom for the vampires.

Nicole changed her eyes, her fangs came out, and she began to growl. Soon the boys did the same. The five of them filed out of Nicole's room quietly, Nicole went first, then Ashton, Michael, then Luke and finally Calum.

Nicole saw the two guys turn the corner and go towards the dining room, she quietly rushed after them. When she found them, she hissed so they would turn and face her. When they did, she used her powers to force the weapons out of the hunter's hands.

The two hunters looked at the group of vampires in shock. Luke and Calum, who stood behind Nicole, Ashton, and Michael, snarled. The hunters had no second thoughts before pulling out their guns. Luke, using his vampire speed, ran past them, grabbing their guns before they could even think to fire. Then he returned to his previous spot. He handed the guns to Calum, who unloaded them and threw them across the room.

"If you guys agree to leave now, no one has to get hurt." Ashton tried to bargain.

"We know what you are and what you do. We can't let you live." Sam said.

"We didn't kill our neighbors. We don't kill people." Michael said, trying to reason with the hunters. Maybe that was a lie, but for the most part, it was the truth.

Sam and Dean looked to Michael as if he was stupid. What were they to expect? Vampires always took the kill, never had they heard of 'good' vampires. Why would this group be any different? The hunters believed he was lying straight through his teeth, so the pulled out their sharpened stakes.

"Okay then." Michael sighed.

But five against two...really?

That's when Dean charged at Nicole, stake in hand. He raised his arm in attempt to stab her chest with the stake, but she blocked it and pushed him back. After he regained his balance, he charged at her again, looking as determined as ever. She used her powers and forced him against the wall.

All of a sudden Nicole heard a loud scream come from behind her. She hoped that none of her boys got hurt. She dropped her arms and turned around to see what happened, Michael had forced the other hunter to the ground and Luke was standing next to him.

Luke looked up to Nicole and yelled. "Nicole watch out!"

Nicole turned fully around, and upon turning, her chest met with the other hunter's stake. The sharp piece of wood lodged into her heart. Nicole turned her head and looked at the boys one last time, fear in her eyes. And just like that, she had turned to dust, and the boys' hearts broke. The one girl that was meant to be theirs forever, turned to dust before their eyes. Not two seconds later the four boys soon joined their mate in life-long death. 

And they weren't to be missed, no more close friends, no family, the hunters didn't care. Hell, for them it was all in a days work. To the world, the five vampires that were utterly in love... they were just dust swept under the rug.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2018 ⏰

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