forty one

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*Nicole's POV

I ran to my room, slammed the door, and locked it like Luke told me to. I leaned my ear against the door so I could hear what was happening down stairs... nothing. And then suddenly there was a loud noise like a *thump*  like something had fell. Then I heard multiple pairs of footsteps coming up the stairs towards my room.

Shit! Shit! Shit!

I stood up as quietly and quickly as possible and locked myself in my bathroom. I huddled myself in the corner of the room, and brought my knees to my chest. I heard a banging on my door, then a loud crash which made me flinch.

What do they want?

It took them a moment to realize that I was in my bathroom, I saw the knob on the door jiggle. And there were a few large pounds against it. Soon after the door came off the hinges and landed on the floor. I flinched and let out a quiet scream.

In front of me standing were four vampires. All guys. Probably the guys who killed Jamie. I felt a sudden urge of courage. I slowly stood up, growling lowly. I bared my fangs and hissed at them, they kept their distance. Then three of them came at me, they caught me by surprise due to their speed.  The guys grabbed my arms and the back of my neck hard enough to leave a bruise. They walked me towards the fourth guy who had a syringe in his hand!

"No no no! Get off of me! Let me go! Luke! Luke, help me please!" I yelled.

"He can't help you." One of the guys whispered in my ear.

I needed to free myself so I could use my powers against my attackers. I thrashed under their grip, but they were incredibly strong. It was no use.

The guys holding me stopped just in front of the guy with the syringe. The guy flicked the long glass tube with his middle finger, then he flashed me a sadistic grin. He stabbed the syringe into my neck injecting me with some kind of sleeping agent, then he took it out of my neck. I felt my limbs getting numb then go completely limp. And my head was spinning faster than a carousel. I fell to the floor. My eyelids were so heavy, I fought to keep them open but I was helpless.

*Unknown POV

"Pick her up, we have to get her to the house. We can just leave the blonde kid on the floor, the other boys will find him when they get back."

*Nicole's POV

I woke up in a dank, dimly lit room. It was some kind of basement or cellar. I was chained to a chair, again. But I was gagged with a cloth.

What is with vampires and chaining people to chairs?

The chair was in the center of the small room, facing away from the door. I thrashed against my restraints but I could barely move. All of a sudden I heard the door creak open and a light got switched on, the guy that drugged me was now standing  in front of me.

"Hey princess, my name is Tanner." My kidnapper smiled.

Tanner. He was tall, tan, his hair was short -like buzz cut short. His left arm had a sleeve of tattoos. He was buff, and kinda intimidating. He roughly untied the cloth so I could speak.

"Hey ass hat, I'm Nicole." I spat.

"Aww that wasn't very nice. Why can't we be friends?" He said in a sarcastic voice, with his lip stuck out so it looked like he was pouting. He brushed his hands along my cheek and I turned so I could escape his touch.

"Because you kidnapped me, idiot!"

"We had to, we needed to show you and your boyfriends that we mean business. This town is ours now, once they agree to leave you can go to them and get the hell out." He was acting all serious now.

"My mates are gonna find me, and their gonna kick your sorry little ass." I threatened.

I felt his cold hand come in contact with my cheek, and my head violently jerked to the side. I looked up at him through the strands of my hair that hung in front of my eyes.

"Son of a bitch!" I said licking my lower lip, and flipping my hair out of my face. "You're gonna pay for that!"

"Whatever you say princess." Tanner said before slapping me again. The second one left me with a sharp pain in my cheek. That was sure to leave some kind of hand print or red mark.

"The more you keep beating me, the more you're going to suffer before you die." I said, trying my best to sound ascending.

"I'll take my chances princess." He said. His satanic smile was spread across his face from ear to ear.

"Now, I'm going to explain to you why you're here." He said.

Oh my god, what is this some sort of superhero movie where you explain your evil plan? This dude is gonna start monologuing.

"Me and my friends were looking for a place to live because hunters had run us out of our previous home." He explained.

Yep, there it is.

"And we stumbled across this little city, it's a nice place. You know, a good amount of people, crappy law enforcement system, perfect place for vampires. And that's when we figured out that we weren't the first ones here. So we figured out where you lived so we could take you, and now that we have you, we can practically force you and your mates out." He explained.

Why wouldn't you just kill me? It would be a lot easier. I thought. But I wasn't about to suggest that to him.

"Ok, back to the fun stuff." He said, his smirk appearing once again. He balled his fingers into a fist, and I prepared myself for the blow that I knew was coming.

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