twenty five

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*Michael's POV

We all sat back in the living room. I was across from her while Calum and Ashton were on either side of me. Luke sat next to Nicole resting his arm across her shoulder. Ashton always explained everything to Nicole, I guess he got tired of it so it was my turn to do the talking.

"Ok... so Nicole. You heard Jack mention hunters right?"

"Yeah I did! What did me mean by that? What's a hunter?" She asked me.

"A hunter is a human that, for some insane reason, is hell bent on killing supernatural beings. Like us."

"Why? Not all monsters are evil, I mean you guys aren't so bad."

"Not all hunters think that way, most of them just think that we are freaks that need to be killed so humans can be safe. They fear us, that's what makes them compelled to killing us."

"I killed that guy! Shit are they going to try and kill me?!" She started to panic.

"Not necessarily." I said trying to calm her down. " I bet a few hunters know about your accident by now. They may not know it was you, but I bet they think it was a vampire one way or another."

"So will they try to kill us?"

"No! They won't! We won't let anyone or anything hurt you." Luke said trying to assure her.

It was getting late. I could tell that Nicole was overwhelmed I advised that she should rest. She took my advice, we all stood up and she gave Luke a kiss on his cheek. I volunteered to sleep with her so she would feel safer, and she accepted.

She said goodnight to the boys and took my hand and we walked up to her room. We went into her room and she grabbed some different clothes from her dresser and went into the bathroom.

She came out a bit later, she had changed and she brushed her out and pushed it off to one side of her shoulder. It was long and dark brown, it was beautiful. I patted the bed and she came over to me and got under the covers. She rested her head on my chest. I ran my fingers through her hair, it was so soft. And before she could fall asleep I leaned my chin on the top of her head and whispered "No human is going to lay a finger on my girl."

She sighed and I could tell she was asleep.

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