twenty two

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*Nicole's POV

I woke up, I was chained to a chair, and the boys were standing in front of me. I hissed at them.

"Let me out! I'm going to kill you!"

"No you killed that guy in the alley Nicole." Ashton snapped at me.

I gave him a pouty lip, that turned into a smirk. "He tasted amazing! But there was a weird after taste, kinda like nicotine." I started laughing in a psychotic way.

"You can't just go around killing people Nicole."

"They are just humans, tons of them die every day. What's one more?" I said mockingly.

"Why is she acting like that?" Calum asked his face full of confusion

"Like what baby? What's wrong, don't you like me anymore?" I said in a crazed voice.

"It's because we turned her, it brings out all of her emotions and feelings. Anger, rage, sadness, joy, passion, insanity..."

"Tell me Mr. Know It All, how does this work? Am I going to be unchained anytime soon?"

"We have to know if you aren't going to go and hurt people, this is how it works. We feed off people, they don't die, people go on thinking that vampires only exist in movies. You need to learn to control yourself."

"How?" I was beginning to get tired of the stupid chair.

"We can teach you but you have to agree to not go around killing random people."

"Fine just unchain me." I sighed.

Ashton nodded and Calum walked behind me and I heard a click of the lock and the chains fell to the floor.

I stood and shoved my hands in my pockets. "So sensei teach me your ways."

The boys smile at me. The next thing I know I'm in the middle of a group hug again. "Where do we start?" I ask.

"So we should probably figure your power out."


"But first, go clean up. You still have that guys blood on your face."

I ran to my bathroom and rinsed my face and neck, and ran back downstairs.

We all go into the study. I stand in the middle of the room again and the boys are leaning against the wall.

"Since we have no idea what your power could be... just close your eyes and clear your mind."

Nothing happened.

"Okay then. Try waving your hand around a bit."

I started moving my hand from left to right.

"Ashton this is stupid, I feel ridiculous."

"What do you propose we do then?"


I focus my attention on a vase on an empty shelf across the room. I motion my hand towards it and then I move my hand to the other end of the room. Without warning the vase moves and breaks against the wall. The boys jump and I flinch shielding my face with my arms.

"Holy Shit!" Mikey exclaimed.

I look down at my hands, then I look at the books on the shelves. I see one I like and I concentrate on it, it floats over to my hands and I flip through the pages.

"Oh my god! I have the Force! I'm a fucking Jedi!" I start laughing, "Luke I am your father!"

He gave me a look, I could tell that I was annoying him.

"Sorry, too far."

"That's so cool." Calum said

"So we figured out your power, I want to take a look at your eyes." Ashton said, "Change."

He came towards me to inspect my features further. I changed, my fangs came out and my eyes shifted colors.

"I have never seen anything like this before, ever. Your eyes are completely black. And your fangs are long, like longer than average."

"And they say size doesn't matter." I joked. Ashton rolled his eyes, but I heard the others laugh.

"But... how is that even possible? The black eyes and such." Luke asked.

"I-I don't know." Ashton stuttered.

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