sixty two

726 18 7

*Nicole's POV

I walked into the kitchen, followed by Calum. I pried the fridge door open, we really didn't have much at all. Just some orange juice, cheese, and a banana. I didn't have any luck in the pantry either. I needed to go to the store.

"Okay, I may have lied about the whole... having food thing." Ashton said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.

"That's okay, I'll just go out and get something. I'm gonna change and go to the store."

"I'm gonna come with you." Calum piped up.

"Okay." I chirped.

Calum chuckled, and went to his room to put on a clean shirt. I ran up to my room and into my bathroom. I didn't really need to change, I was wearing a 'We Came As Romans' tee shirt and pair of black skinny jeans. I also had my denim jacket, and black converse on. So I just quickly brushed my teeth before going back downstairs.

I found Mikey and Calum at the bottom of the stairs. Michael stood with a piece of paper in his hand.

"Me and the others made a list of stuff we want. You know, food like stuff." Michael said, handing the list to Calum.

"Okay, We'll be back in a bit." I said, giving Michael a kiss and heading out the door with Calum. We got into the car and Calum began to drive to the store.

*time skip

"I still think Spiderman is better." I argued.

"No, Batman is better." Calum negated.

We continued walking down the aisles, picking out the food we needed and arguing about who was the better superhero.

"How can you even say that? I don't even think batman should be classified as a superhero."

"WHAT!? How can you- What- Why? Batman is obviously more awesome than Spiderman. He has all the cool gadgets, the hideout, the sweet car, plus he can beat people up without powers!"

"That's my point! He has no powers! He's not a real superhero, he's just a rich vigilante, who needs to get his voice box checked. Plus, Tom Holland."

"I can't believe you! From this point on I'm shunning you." He said, flattening his lips unto a straight line.

"Shun me? Come on Calum really?" I protested. He lifted his pointer finger to his lips, and made it look like he was shushing me. I rolled my eyes at his immaturity.

"Fine, whatever." I sighed.

We finished going through the list, and checked out. Calum took the shopping cart full of bags out to the car. Since he was 'shunning' me, he didn't pay me any mind. So as he walked out I stayed behind.

"A pack of Camel's please." I said. The cashier nodded, taking a pack of cigarettes out of a glass case then handing them to me. I thanked her after I paid, and I quickly made it to the car before Calum noticed I was gone.

After unloading the food into the car I got in the drivers seat and Calum slid in next to me. He had a small smirk on his lips, but he refrained from talking to me because I was still being 'shunned'. The ride home was mostly silent besides the faint music I played, and the sound of me humming along to it.

"Is this going to keep going until I admit that you were right?" I asked, not taking my eyes away from the road.

There was no reply, so I briefly took at glance at Calum who was staring down at his phone. I groaned and smacked his phone out of his hand.

"Wow, immature, babe." He stated, bending to reach his phone.

"Oh yeah, I'm the immature one. Ignoring me? Just because I like spiderman more than batman."

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