authors note

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I just want to get this out of the way.

So I feel like Ashton is like the main 'father' figure, he's the oldest so he's the wiser. (The dad-father) So he won't hesitate to give Nicole a hard time because she is new to the whole vampire thing and she doesn't quite know how to control herself yet. But he still loves her more than anything.

Calum is closer to Nicole, in a way, because he was the one who found her.

Mikey and Luke are just two giant love monkeys that will do everything and anything for Nicole. All of them tend to be cocky and a total smart asses at times.

The boys all see the best in Nicole even when she doesn't. The boys aren't famous, I just wanted them to be normal people -besides being vampires and everything.

Nicole is average height, average weight, brown hair, brown eyes, she is like 18-20 (you can deside), her parents are dead, she is an only child, she doesn't really have any friends besides Jamie. All of her other friends left for college and lost contact.

There has been, and will be, some scary stuff happening to Nicole. So she gets nightmares more often.

They don't sparkle in sunlight, they don't burn up either -they just can't stay out for long or it causes pain, if they eat garlic their fangs come out and their eyes change color and it burns their throats but it doesn't kill them, holy water and crosses have no affect, they obviously have reflections, and they turn to dust when they die.

So... things in this story obviously won't apply to logic because it is FICTION. So there are going to be some things that may not make sense in the real world. These guys are all vampires; so obviously they shouldn't be breathing, crying, blushing, blinking, sneezing, or anything else  remotely 'human'. They shouldn't be doing any of that because they are in fact, dead. But that's how I wanted the story to be, and if you don't like it. Don't read it.

Love you guys, stay awesome. 

Fwi, stuff is about to get messy...

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