fifty two

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*Nicole's POV

After waking up Luke, Michael, and Calum, and telling them to get dressed, I quickly speeded into my own room. I chose an outfit, a maroon crop top, black skinny jeans, and black high top converse, before changing. I switched on the light to my bathroom before entering and doing my morning routine of brushing my hair and teeth. Once I had finished in my room, I shrugged on a denim boyfriend jacket as I made my way downstairs.

There at the bottom of the stairs, standing in the foyer, were the boys; rocking their traditional black jeans, black converse, and band tees. I smiled at the old geezers that I had the pleasure of calling mine. I loved them with everything I had, hopefully they did as well. Michael smiled back at me knowingly, he grabbed my hand and kissed my cheek.

"I love you." He whispered in my ear. My smile grew wider, and I squeezed his hand tighter. By that time, the other three had already gone out to the car.

"I know." I replied, chuckling. Michael laughed and kissed my neck tenderly.

"That wasn't the answer I was looking for, Nicky." He whispered.

"Oh I'm so sorry." I said sarcastically, faking innocence. I turned my body, so I was facing Michael. He kissed the corner of my mouth before connecting his lips to mine. I kissed back, but only for a short while before he pulled away.

"I love you too." I sighed contently. Michael's thumb and forefinger grasped my chin and tilted my head upward. He kissed me one last time, and I smiled onto his lips.

*time skip

"You guys go to snacks, drinks and produce. I'll go to dairy, meet you in the frozen section." I told the boys.

I rolled my eyes when I realized that instead of listening to me, Muke was having a shopping cart race against Cashton. It was a small grocery store, a family owned, local chain, with small isles and small carts. It was amusing to see Luke and Calum curled up in the carts with their knees pressed up to their chests, and huge ass smiles on all of their faces.

I picked up an idle hand cart and headed towards the dairy isle. I loaded my cart with cheese, whipped cream, and chocolate milk.

I closed the freezer door, and I felt eyes burning into the back of my head. Upon turning; I found a man staring at me. He was tall, mid thirties, buff, and pretty fucking intimidating. And hey, even though I could probably take this guy down- no problem, doesn't mean that I'm not a little bit scared of his appearance.

His eyes were a dark shade of emerald green, and his lips held an evil smirk. I averted my eyes from his gaze and tried walking past him. He grabbed my arm tightly and pulled me to the side of the isle.

"Please don't. I don't want any trouble." I said quietly, yanking my arm out of his grip. He took the basket out of my hand and set it on the floor.

"Are you sure? Because trouble seems exactly like something that you'd want to get into." He whispered into my ear. The slight stench of alcohol hit my nostrils and I cringed.

"Get off of me, you dick!" I said loudly, pushing him away from me.

"Better watch your language, princess." He said sternly.

Oh, come on princess!
It will only hurt a little, I promise, princess.
You're such a pretty princess.
I like seeing you in pain, princess.
Don't worry princess, this'll be fun.

Tanner's sick voice came to my head, and images flashed through my mind. The terrible things he did, the awful things he said, all the pain and anguish.

"No, stop! Get off me!" I yelled. I pushed the guy off me before punching him in the nose. I heard a loud crack, that almost made me cringe, and he instantly put his hand up to his face. He fell to his knees and cried out in pain.

Tears came to my eyes, and without another word, I bolted away from the man on the ground.

He took the switchblade out of his back pocket and stabbed my thigh. I let out a loud shriek at his sudden movement. I lowered my head again, he released his grip from the knife and let the blade stay deep within my leg. I began to cry out in pain and tears flowed from my eyes.

I ran and kept running, to where I really didn't know. Back to the house? To find the boys? I wasn't sure. Anywhere to get me away from that guy, and distract me from the flashbacks.

He pulled me up by my hair, causing me to scream. He punched my stomach and I fell to the floor, then he kicked my side and I let the tears fall from my eyes.

I cried furiously and breathed heavily as I ran. A pair of large arms suddenly wrapped around my waist, and I was pulled against someone's chest.

"Babe what's wrong?" Calum asked, his tone filled with concern. I didn't answer, I just pressed my head into his shoulder and continued to cry. I tightly wrapped my arms around Calum's torso and firmly heald onto him.

"Nicole, what happened?" I heard Ashton ask.

"Are you alright? Can you tell us what's wrong?" Luke asked.

Then three of them continued to fire questions at me, while Michael stood off to the side. I looked up from Calum's shoulder and saw Michael's face was struck with pity. I just buried my head further into Calum's neck and continued sobbing.

"Guys let's get out of here, forget the food for now. I'll tell you what happened... later." Michael said in a hushed voice.

I felt Calum nod his head, he grabbed my hand and I followed them out to the car. I sat between Calum and Luke in the back, and I laid my head on Calum's shoulder. Tears still silently fell from my eyes, and the overall silence of the car was uncanny. The only sounds that were made were my occasional sniffles.

"Babe, you look tired. Go to sleep, it's ok." Calum said, kissing my forehead softly.

I shook my head. I didn't really want to sleep, knowing that it would probably be ruined by another nightmare. On the other hand however, my eyes were stinging and irritated, and sleep would probably fix that.

"Why don't you want to sleep? You seem exhausted." Calum asked.

"I don't want to have another nightmare." I admitted. My voice was hoarse and hushed, just above a whisper. "Not another one."

"Nicole." Ashton said, making me look up to his violet eyes.

"Go to sleep." He commanded and at that exact moment, I fell into a deep sleep.

*Michael's POV

"Ashton!" Luke and Calum hollered.

"Shut up!" He hushed them, "She needs to rest, she hasn't been sleeping well."

"Ok, dude, what the hell?! Why was our mate having a freaking panic attack, why did she look so scared? And how often is she having nightmares?!" Calum whisper yelled from the backseat.

For once I was the one driving, so I looked back at him through the rear view mirror. I sighed and explained to them what I'd seen in Nicole's mind.

"Some dickhead at the store was staring at her and started to touch her. He said some stuff the triggered flashbacks from her time... in that basement. She punched him and ran."

"What did he say?" Luke asked.

"He called her 'princess'. Tanner, the guy that started everything, the one that took her, wrote the notes, the one who tortured her, he called Nicole 'princess'." I explained further. The guys' faces heald some mixed form of pity, sadness, guilt, and anger.

"And this morning, before we went to the store, I found Nicole asleep on the kitchen counter. She told me she had a nightmare, but didn't want to bother us by waking us up." Ashton said softly.

I looked back through the mirror and saw Luke gently running his hand through Nicole's hair as her head laid on Calum's shoulder.

"I think she has something like PTSD. We need to keep a close eye on her." Ashton concluded.

dude, I'm kinda getting bored of this story... *frustrated sigh* someone tell me what should happen next!

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