twenty nine

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*Nicole's POV

I was out like a light, that guy must have had a lot to drink throughout the day. I still had a slight headache and I was a bit dizzy. I got up and walked downstairs to find all the window curtains shut and I didn't see the boys. I assumed that I only slept a few hours.

I guess they went to bed.

I walked towards one of the windows and swiftly drew back the the fabric curtain. I was totally taken by surprise when light shone through the window and into my face. I groaned and vigorously rubbed my eyes I could feel my fangs come out and my eyes change color. I took a few steps back before tripping over nothing and falling on my back. I laid there on the floor and moaned before sitting up and rubbing the back of my head. I changed back.

Dude what the hell?! That was incredibly stupid!

The boys heard me and quickly came down the stairs. They sat next to me.

"Hey are you ok? We didn't hear you come out of your room." Luke said giggling to himself.

"Yeah I'm fine, the light just took me by surprise. What time is it?"

"It's 11 o'clock. You've been out for 21 hours." Calum said.

"It's this your first time being hungover?" Mikey asked



"Yeah whatever, God I feel like shit." I groaned. I tried to stand up but my legs felt limp and I fell back down.

"Come here" Ashton said as he picked me up off the ground. I waved back at the other boys as he walked up the stairs to my room and set me on the counter in the bathroom. He quickly ran out and came back with a bag from the fridge. He set it next to me. He turned around and turned the faucet on and filled the tub with water and saop.

It took a couple of minutes, but soon the tub was filled with bubbles and water. Ashton picked me up and gently set me of the floor I stood and motioned to him with my finger to turn around, I slipped off the clothes I was wearing and stepped into the bath my mate had run for me. Once I was fully covered with bubbles he sat down on the edge of the tub.

"You should get that guy out of your system." He handed me the blood bag he had gotten for me and I sipped on the blood through the tube.

He cupped his hands and scooped water onto the top if my head until all of my hair was wet. I heard the cap of my shampoo bottle pop open. He started rubbing my hair and massaging my scalp. If i wasn't feeling like shit I would be telling Ashton that I knew how to bathe myself, but at this point I couldn't appose. After thoroughly getting all of my hair soapy he washed all of it out with the warm water. I was ready to get out, he stood up and I took his hand. He wrapped a clean towel around my shoulders and I dried my body off. I needed to get changed but Ashton was still with me, but at that point I didn't give a fuck. He turned to look at me.

"Oh sorry I'll go- holy shit."

I had already dropped my towel and it was pooled at my feet. As I stood there naked all he did was stare.

"Ashton, hey my eyes are up here." A said as I waved my hand in front of his face.

"What? Oh yeah sorry. Uhhh put your arms up."

I did and he slid a loose shirt over my head. I slipped on some underwear, and some black sweatpants. I took another towel and rubbed my head, drying out my hair. I grabbed my hair brush with one hand and with the other I took Ashton's wrist and dragged him out of the bathroom. I sat him down on my bed and handed him my brush, I sat in front of him and he gently started brushing my hair.

Once he was done we laid back, he rested his back against the headboard. And I laid my head in his lap. He was holding my hand and making circular motions with his thumb. We sat for a while and then the guys came in to sit with us. We repositioned our bodies so everyone could get comfortable. We ended up sitting in bed and just talking for hours.

We talked about anything and everything. We talked about our favorite colors, how many times Mikey dyed his hair, first kiss, first kill, life, death, favorite foods, all of the boys were born in the eighteenth century so we talked about history and stuff, they wanted to know when my birthday was which I thought was sweet (it's in the spring- March 27), favorite sports, tattoos, favorite hang out spot, unicorns, hunters, werewolves, demons, politics, favorite bands and types of music. It seemed so natural to be talking and laughing with the boys, we could probably talk until the end of time. But we all were beaten by drowsiness and we fell asleep in each others arms.

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