sixty three

680 20 1

*Nicole's POV

Ashton slept in my room that night. We cuddled together in my bed, we laid on our sides facing the open window. One of Ashton's arms was around my waist, while the other was under my neck. Ashton dug his nose into my hair, then kissed the back of my neck sweetly.

"I'm sad, Ash." I whispered.

"I know, my love, I'm sorry. I'm sorry you're hurting." He whispered back, pulling me closer to his chest. "It's going to get better."

There was a silent pause until I spoke, "Promise me."

"I promise you, it won't be long, it's gonna get better."

His lips ghosted over the back of my neck, sending a wave of chills down my spine. He planted one last kiss against my shoulder before speaking.

"Let's go to sleep, it's been a long day." He sighed.

"I love you." I mumbled.

"I love you too, beautiful."

*time skip

I jolted awake when I heard a crash from downstairs. Ashton turned over, not even waking up, and I decided to go down and see what had made the noise. I slipped on a pair of one of the boy's boxers, and I threw my hair in a ponytail, before going downstairs. I walked through the halls, going towards the door that led to the back yard.

When I got outside I found Luke and Michael standing by a broken window. Michael was snickering, he held a football in his hand, and Luke had a worried look on his face.

"I don't have the best aim." Luke sighed. I laughed along with Michael. Luke rolled his eyes, and huffed.

"It's okay, I'll call a repair man or something later." I said, and they nodded.

I walked back into the house while Michael and Luke stayed out to play football with. The house was actually old enough to have a landline planted onto the wall of the kitchen, so I used that to call a repair person. A bored receptionist answered my call. She informed me that someone would be by, within two hours, to fix the window. I thanked her and hung up.

I wasn't in the mood to play football, I didn't want to go back to bed, and I couldn't find anything interesting to watch on TV. So I decided to make some pancakes, I took out all of the ingredients and utensils I needed. I mixed the batter and prepped a pan. About forty-five minutes later I had two large stacks of pancakes in the center of the dinner table.

I walked out of the kitchen, towards the broken window. I peered out of the broken glass, I cupped my hands around my mouth and yelled,

"I made pancakes!"

Not five seconds later, Michael ran in, yelling about food. Luke followed quickly behind him. I followed them into the kitchen, handing Luke and Michael plates. Calum came in, taking a plate from me and kissing my cheek. Ashton wobbled down the stairs, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. He yawned as he walked into the kitchen.

"Hey sleepy head." I smiled. He smiled back, placing a chaste kiss on my lips.


"I made pancakes." I said, handing him a plate from the cupboard. He took the plate and sat down, piling three golden pancakes on his plate. My four mates sat at the table, while I stood behind the counter, staring off into space.

Micheal's voice broke me out of my trance, "These are really good."

I turned to look at them, and smiled.

"Come get some, before I eat them all." Michael joked.

*time skip

After breakfast, I went back to my room to change. I slipped on a pair of black skinny jeans, with a hole in the left knee, along with a 'Never Shout Never' shirt. The shirt was white and it had art from the cover of the 'Black Cat' album.

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