twenty eight

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*Calum's POV

The five of us ran out to the edge of town, once there we started walking at a normal pace. Nicole intertwined her fingers with mine and looked to me, giving me a sweet smile.

"Ok for feeding. You have to be able to find a person who is alone or in a small group. It's also easier to feed if you get them to a secluded place or somewhere no one can see anything, like an alley, behind a store, in the woods, empty parking lot, places like that. You are going to have to hunt only when we are with you because we use our powers to make the person think that nothing ever happened. I heal the bite marks, and Ashton uses his powers to make the person forget our faces. When you feed you drink the blood until their heart rate slows, if they pass out you have taken too much. Ok?"

"Ok." She said, she had a confident look on her face.

"Ok let's eat."

*Nicole's POV

Calum gave me thorough instructions about hunting and feeding. When he was done, we went in search of someone to eat.

I lifted my head into the wind to see if I could catch a scent of anything. I was standing in front the boys then I turned around to them.

"I can smell someone. He is alone, and he's sitting behind a restaurant building."

I turned my head towards the restaurant and listened very closely.

"I think he's drunk... he smells like liquor, and he just popped the lid off of his beer."

"Let's go." Luke gave me a smile and we started walking that direction.

By the time we were there he was leaning against the wall. Before we got to close to him Calum whispered in my ear, "Because he's drunk; you are going to also feel drunk after you feed off of him."

The boys slowed down, I walked up to the guy. He stood up to me, he pushed himself off the wall and I moved in close. I bit my lip and pushed him against the wall.

"Hey lady, what the hell?!" He yelled at me.

I put one of my hands on his shoulder, and the other on his face. I tilted his head to the side so I could get to his neck. I could hear his heartbeat and the blood flowing through his veins. I changed and sunk my fangs into his neck. His blood filled my mouth, it was warm and delicious. I felt his pulse start to get less frequent, so I withdrew my fangs and stumbled back as he fell to the ground.

I took a deep breath and licked my lips, the boys walked up to me. Calum and Ashton walked past me to the guys that was on the ground. Calum put his hand over the bite marks I left and they disappeared. Ashton crouched in front of the guy.

"Hey look into my eyes. You are drunk, you don't remember anything, you forget our faces. Now go to sleep"

He passed out.

"Nice job Nicky." Michael said with a congratulatory tone.

"Thanks." I slurred. I started to feel off balance- which caused me to stumble. I leaned on Mikey's shoulder. I couldn't see straight, my head was starting to ache and spin, and my ears were ringing.

"Dude I think she's wasted." Michael said laughing. "I think we should take her back home."

I tripped again and Michael picked me up and held me in his arms like this morning. I had a full feeling in my stomach. He ran me home in his arms and we were back in no time, they all walked up the stairs and Mikey put me in my bed. He closed the curtains to my widow. I felt four kisses on my cheek and then I heard the door quietly close. And I drifted off to sleep.

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