forty two

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*Luke's POV

"Luke!... Luke wake up!... Luke!" Michael screamed.

I slowly propped myself up, and sat straight. I rubbed my temples in attempt to dull down my headache.

"What happened?" I asked after taking a deep breath.

"Somebody knocked you out." Michael explained.

"Where's Nicole?!" I gasped. I frantically looked around the room, but I didn't see her.

"They took her. We found you lying here, and we went to her room and her doors we broken off of their hinges." Ashton said.

"Those other vampires said they were coming for us. Is this what they meant? Why would they want to take her?" I rambled as I stood up and brushed off my jeans.

"Calm down Luke, we don't know." Calum said releasing a deep sigh. "But we have to find her."

"Michael can you read her thoughts? Maybe figure out where she is?"


Michael clenched his eyes shut to help him focus. After a few moments of tense and uncomfortable silence Michael reopened his eyes.

"She doesn't know much, she thinks she's trapped in a basement but she doesn't know where." He said.

*Tanner's POV

Nicole had been in the basement for a few hours and she already had a bleeding lip, and bruises on her cheeks.

"Princess I have to admit, my hand is getting a little sore." I said shaking my hand, trying to get rid of the stinging sensation.

"Go to hell." She spat, glaring at me.

"Been there, done that." I said before delivering another slap to Nicole's cheek. She leaned her head down and spit onto my shoe. Blood and saliva trickled off her chin. Nicole's head was bowed slightly and she was looking at me through her full lashes.

"Princess can't use her powers tied to her chair, now can she? Well, if you were wondering what mine were, I can see glimpses of the future."

She raised her head to meet my gaze.

"Your eyes are quite beautiful." I said. She furrowed her eyebrows and looked at me as if I was crazy. "It's not polite to stare, Princess. Especially after I complimented you."

She dramatically rolled her eyes, and I became enraged. I took the switchblade out of my back pocket and stabbed her thigh. She let out a loud shriek at my sudden movement. She lowered her head again, I released my grip from the knife and let the blade stay deep within her leg. She began to cry out in pain and tears flowed from her eyes.

*Calum's POV

The four of us walked into Nicole's room. The door that usually hung, was broken and lying on the floor, along with her bathroom door as well. Ashton walked into her bathroom, looking for anything Nicole's kidnappers could've left behind. I took a seat at the end of her bed and let a tear rush down my cheek. I felt a hand grasp my shoulder, in attempt to comfort me.

"We'll find her." Michael said, his voice was soft and assuring.

"We have no idea what's happening to her, I don't want to lose her." I said, my voice filled with sorrow. My vision was still sullied with tears.

"None of us do. But we have to be strong, for her." He said.

"You're right." I got to me feet, took a deep breath, and wiped my eyes.

"Boys look at this! I found it on the counter." Ashton declared as he held up a small piece of paper like the one we received earlier.

"We have your girl, she's a pretty little thing.
If you agree to leave this town and never come back - you can have her back.

Don't bother trying to find us, because you won't. But if you try to find us we will be forced to take drastic measures.

Just remember, we'll be watching."

"What the hell?! Michael read her mind again!" I demanded.

Michael nodded and shut his eyes. While Michael was doing that, I gazed around the room. I turned my head and out of the corner of my eye I saw a syringe on the floor, they had drugged her. All of a sudden I heard Michael gasp, and all attention was directed his way.

"They're torturing her."

*Nicole's POV

There was a damn knife sticking out of my fucking leg! Holy motherfucking shit! Sorry, I swear when I'm in pain. And let me tell you, the pain was fucking intense to say the least. It felt as if someone pierced my leg with a branding iron. My thigh was on fire, and blood was slowly dripping down my leg.

(A/N: ok so I've never been stabbed in the thigh, so I don't know what it actually feels like. I imagine it hurts like a bitch though. Anyway...)

I couldn't tell how bad my face looked, but by the amount of soreness I could only assume that I was covered in bruises and cuts. The chains holding me down were rubbing against my skin, irritating it. It felt like my body was screaming in agony. Tears flowed from my eyes, soaking my cheeks. Tanner had this smug look on his face, like he was enjoying what he was doing to me.

This guy is a psychopathic asshole.

Tanner slowly walked behind me and gripped my hair in his hand. He jerked my head back so I was looking up at the ceiling.

He whispered into my ear, making me flinch. "As much fun as this is princess, I have to go." He gave me a quick kiss on my neck, below my ear. He released my hair and I hung my head back down, now staring at the floor. He gagged me again with the same cloth as before. But before he could leave, he yanked the switchblade out of my leg. I screamed out in pain only to be muffled by the gag.

He exited the room slamming the door behind him. Leaving me there, beaten and bloody.

Living with Dead People (5sos||Vampires)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora