Chapter 29: Aldrich Killian

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Chapter 29: Aldrich Killian

Riley's POV

"Hey buddy, where's your badge?" Happy asked Jake as we arrived at Stark Industries.

Jake snickered, obviously not caring what Happy is saying.

"He's with me Happy. Don't worry about him." I assure Happy.

Happy studied Jake, who was a little taller than him. Jake gave him a confident smirk. Happy started talking more and more about security stuff which honestly made me want to just blow my own head off.

"I put a memo in the toilet; come on. Tony has got them in his basement, they're wearing party hats, this is an asset we can put to use." He said.

"Uh-huh. So, you're suggesting that I replace the entire janitorial staff with robots?" I ask with a slight snicker.

"What I'm saying is that the human element of Human Resources is our biggest point of vulnerability. We should start phasing it out immediately." He explained.

"What!?" I asked.

"Did you seriously just ask that?" Jake asked laughing.

Honestly though, robots for janitorial staff?! That's just hilarious and creepy at the same time. Happy nods.

"Happy, okay, I am thrilled that you're now the Head of Security, okay. It is the perfect position for you." I told him.

"Thank you." He said with a smile and shrug.

"However, I do appreciate it.
Since you've taken the post-" he cuts me off.

"You don't have to thank me," he said.

"We've had a rise in staff complaints of 300 percent." I informed him.

Jake scoffed. I bit my lip to contain myself from laughing.

"Thank you." He said with another proud smile.

"That's not a compliment." I told him.

"That's not a compliment? It is a compliment! Clearly somebody is trying to hide something." He argued.

I was about to argue back but an employee approaches me.

"Excuse me." She said.


"Miss O'Conner, your four o'clock is here." She told me handing me a folder.

"Did you clear this four o'clock with me?" Happy asked the employee.

I see Jake roll his eyes and face palmed himself.

"Happy, we'll talk about this later
But right now I have to go deal
with this very annoying thing." I said to him while the 3 of us made our way to my office.

"How so?" He asked.

"Jake and I used to work with him, and he used to ask me out all the time, so it's a little awkward." I explained to him.

Jake gives me a questioning look.

"Which one?" He asked as we entered my office.

I see a blonde man with his back facing us.

"I don't like the sound of that." Happy mumbled.

The man turned around and it's Aldrich Killian. But now he's taller and he's actually handsome.

"Riley." He said with a grin as he walks up to me.

"Killian?" I gasped in disbelief.

In all honesty, he looks hot.

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