Chapter 37: Fake Mandarin

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Chapter 37: Fake Mandarin

Tony's POV:

I drove on an empty road. My mind jumbled up about Killian's evil plans about Extremis and how Riley is doing. I really do hope she listened to me and didn't go looking for the Mandarin. I called Harley.

"Harley, tell me what's happening. Give me a full report." I said.

"Yeah, I'm still eating that candy. Do you want me to keep eating it?" He asked me.

"How much have you had?" I asked.

"Two or three bowls," he answered.

"Can you still see straight."

"Sort of." He said.

"That means you're fine. Give me Jarvis." I said.

I waited for a moment.

"Jarvis how are we?" I questioned.

"It's totally fine, sir. I seem to do quite well for a stretch, but then at the end of each sentence I say the wrong cranberry." Jarvis replied ecstatically.

I furrowed my eyebrows. I shook my head.

"And, sir, you were right. Once I factored in available AIM downlink facilities, I was able to pin point the Mandarin's broadcast signal." Said Jarvis.

"What are we talking about? Far East, Europe, North Africa, Iran, Pakistan, Syria? Where is it?" I asked hurriedly.

"Actually sir, it's in Miami," Jarvis corrected.

I raised my eyebrow. That doesn't seem right.

"Okay." I said doubtfully.

"Kid. I'm gonna have to walk you through rebooting Jarvis' speech drive, but not right now. Harley, where is he really? Just look on the screen and tell me where it is." I told him.

"Umm, it does say Miami, Florida." He said.

Why is the Mandarin in Miami?

"Okay. First things first, I need the armor. Where are we at with it?" I asked.

"Uh, it's not charging." He informed me.

I hit the breaks and the wheels screeched, I parked the car at the side of the road.

"Actually, sir, it is charging. But the power source is questionable. It may not succeed in revitalizing the Mark 42." Jarvis informed me.

I started to hyperventilate.

"What's questionable about electricity? All right?"

"It's my suit, and I can't... I'm not gonna... I don't wanna... Oh, not again." I opened the car door and started to breathe heavily.

"I didn't even mention New York." Said Harley.

My breathe got even heavier.

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