Chapter 41: "She Was Already Perfect"

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Chapter 41: "She Was Already Perfect"

Tony's POV:

I entered hurriedly to where Jarvis had told me where Riley was kept. My heart was pounding uncontrollably. I hope she's okay. The room was a mess and items were scattered all over.

Where is Riley? I continued searching for her. I heard a groan. I immediately turned the direction from the sound. I found Riley lying down with heavy debris on top of her.

I felt my lips twitch into a smile, not because she was stuck but because I finally found her. I tried lifting up the debris to free her but other debris started to collapse on top of her.

"No! Stop! Put it down!" Said Riley.

I slowly and carefully put the debris back down. I crouched down and lifted my mask up.

"See what happens when you hang out with my ex girlfriends?" I asked jokingly, trying to ease the tension.

"You re such a jerk," she said weakly.

"Yep. We'll talk about it over dinner," I told her.

I reached out my hand and reached for her as she tries to reach for my hand as well.

"Come on, a little more, baby," I encouraged her.

Riley continued to try reaching for me but I can tell she is weak and was in pain. Our fingertips touched, barely.

Suddenly, I felt a powerful force hit my chest. I tumble back and fell on my back. Killian burst through the floor and smirked.

"Is this guy bothering you?" Killian asked Riley as he pointed at me.

"Killian, please don't hurt him," Riley begged.

I tried getting up but Killian crouched down on top of me.

"Don't get up," he told me.

He pressed a heated finger above my arc reactor.

"Oooh. Is it hot in there?" He asked.

I felt the heat go through my suit.

"Stuck? Feel a little stuck? Like a turtle cooking in his little turtle suit?" He asked enjoying my suffering.

I feel like I'm literally getting cooked inside this suit. I tried to look around and think of somehow get out of this situation.

"Tony," said Riley weakly as she reaches her arm for me.

I looked at her and see a tear drop down from her eyes.

"She's watching. I think you should close your eyes." Killian told me.

I ignored him and kept my eyes open.

"Close them," he demanded.

"Close your eyes you don't want to see this." Killian's eyes started to glow red again and he raised his arm ready to attack me.

As his arms sped towards me, a long knife from my arm sticked out causing it to chop a part of his arm off. Killian screamed in pain as he clutched on his now missing arm. Killian got up an started groaning in pain.

"Yeah, you'd take a minute," I said knowing his arm will regrow soon.

I see his chopped off hand go through the ground because of it's heat causing Riley to fall with it. My heart started racing as she's in an awkward position. One wrong move and she can fall 200 ft straight to the ground.

I got out of my suit quickly and got up on my feet. I need to save Riley. I started to run as fast as I could to where she is. I noticed an Extremis is trying to chase me down.

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