Chapter 3, Scene 7

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Rebecca's hands were still shaking when she turned the taps. After a rumble and a clank from the old water pipes outside the small bathroom window, warm water spurted and then sprayed from the shower head. She could hear Justin hard at work at the dishes in the kitchen. Despite his occasional flaws, she still loved him very much. He was a sense of comfort to her that neither words nor feelings could properly define. She also adored the little things he did for her that ordinary husbands would deem unimportant.

You're looking too old for your age, she thought as she stared at her reflection in the mirror. Did it come with the territory of being pregnant? She couldn't help but wonder.

A soft scratching sound at the door made her stop and look up. She stood perfectly still. Did she hear right? Did Justin walk past the door and accidentally brush his arm against it? Her thoughts were interrupted by another scratching sound at the door. Louder this time.

'Justin?' she asked. Her voice emitted a hollow echo in the confines of the bathroom. 'Is that you?'

No answer.

Scratching again.

Longer. Slower. More purposeful.

'Justin?' she asked, loud enough for him to hear it from the kitchen. Rebecca's heart bounced around furiously in her chest as she reached her hand out to the handle. Another scratch made her jerk her hand away. 'This isn't funny, Justin! Stop it!'

The scratching stopped.

Rebecca placed her hand around the cold handle and pressed it down. She pulled the door back hard and screamed when she saw a figure standing in front of her. The figure grabbed her and she tried to fight back, but to no avail.

'Becky, it's me,' Justin said. 'Calm down.'

It took a while for Rebecca to register that it was her husband holding her. 'Let me go!' She screamed.

'Geez,' Justin said and released her. 'It was only a joke.'

'Get away from me!'

Justin took a step back. He could sense that he had crossed a line.

Rebecca slammed the door shut and, for the first time since they were married, locked it. She stood in the corner of the bathroom and slid to the floor, her hands covering her face.

'I'm sorry, Becky,' Justin said from the other side of the door, but it was futile. His voice was drowned out by the shower's water and her sobs.

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