thirty four // m

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i woke up with his arms around me. i was furious with harry, i was just too tired to fight with him last night. i sat up and swung my legs over the bed. i rubbed my eyes and looked at the clock.

4:32 AM.

it was still early, but it was technically morning. so, i decided to go downstairs and make myself some breakfast. i got some chocolate chip cookies and some oranges and put them all on a plate along with a cup of tea. i didn't care if mr.styles got mad at me for eating cookies for breakfast- whatever he said didn't matter right now. plus, i had oranges! oranges are healthy! so the cookies and oranges balanced each other out. i brought them upstairs and turned on the tv. harry was still asleep next to me, and just looking at him made me sad. i watched some random show on netflix as i munched on the cookies and orange slices. a large piece of cookie dropped onto the plate, making a loud 'cling' sound. i winced as my eyes went to harry, trying not to wake him up. one episode went by. then another. then another. and before i knew it, it was already 6:28 AM and harry wasn't up to go to work.

"harry," i nudged him.

"hm?" he groaned.

"it's six-thirty. you need to go to work, you've taken too many days off," i whispered.

"alright," he whined while stretching. he looked up at me and smiled, but i turned my head towards the telly, pretending i didn't see him. he sighed and got up and went to the bathroom, shutting the door. i sat there silently, wondering if i should just forgive him or not.

// harry's pov //

i woke up to the sound of marina's voice. it was a beautiful sound, a beautiful noise.


"it's six-thirty. you need to go to work, you've taken too many days off," she said.

"alright," i whined, giving in. although i owned the place, there was work to be done and it was true- i had taken far too many days off.

did she forgive me? she cuddled with me and she's talking to me...

i looked at her and smiled, hoping to receive one back. her eyes met mine, then she noticed my smile, then she turned back to the tv screen.


i got up and went to the bathroom, shutting the door loudly. i leaned over the sink and splashed some water on my face. after i had brushed my teeth and styled my hair, i opened the bathroom door and went to the closet. i put on a white button up shirt and paired it with a black blazer, a white tie and some black pants. i walked out of the closet and went into the bathroom. i put on some cologne and turned off the light and walked out.

"i'm off to work now, marina," i whispered while walking over to her.

"okay, what time will you be back?"

"around three. if not, then it's a busy day. you'll be fine here, yeah?" i asked her.


"okay. goodbye, beautiful. see you till then," i smiled, trying to kiss her cheek. she pulled away as i got closer to her face, so i just gave her an awkward kiss on the top of her head.

"bye," she whispered while staring back at the television screen.

i left the room and walked downstairs. i went to the kitchen and peeled some oranges for marina and put them on a plate. i wrapped the plate in seran wrap and placed it on the counter. i took out a piece of paper and wrote:

i love you :) -h

i placed it on top of the plate and walked out of the house. 


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