forty one // m

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"you know you want to," harry smirked while dancing with a pair of skates in his hands.

"i don't even know how to ice skate," i sighed. i wasn't sure why i agreed to this, but he had made it sound so fun.

"it'll be fun. now, let's get these on you, yeah?" he said as i sat down. i took off my shoes and let harry put on the skates and tie them. i stood up and i was almost as tall as him. i tried to walk, but i lost balance and i quickly held onto harry.

"yeah, this isn't going to end well."

"they feel alright, princess? and sure it will, i'll teach you!" he smiled while sitting me down.

"i'll try, but i don't think i'll be able to..." i chuckled as i watched him put on his skates. when we both were ready, i put on my gloves and we walked outside.

"c'mon, babygirl. i won't let you fall!" harry smiled while leading me out onto the ice. i hesitantly stepped onto the ice, holding onto harry tightly. i slipped back a little bit, but he pulled me up.

"i'm scared," i whined, refusing to move another inch.

"daddy's got you," he cooed while pulling me a little bit. my skates slid across the ice as harry pulled me farther into the rink. my grip on his hand tightened, making him chuckle.

"don't laugh at me!" i cried, jutting my lower lip out.

"sorry, sorry," he chuckled.

it took me a while, but could finally move my skates across the ice with a little help from harry. we skated close to the wall (just in case i needed it) and talked.

"i love you," he grinned.

"i love you, too, babe," i stopped skating and kissed him.

"can you skate all by yourself now?" he asked.

"i can try..." i said while letting go of his hand. i staggered away from the wall, but i managed to gain balance.

"look, princess! you've got it! kinda," he laughed while skating away from me.

"harry! come back! i'm gonna fall!" i yelled as i stood in the middle of the ice. i was too far away from the wall and i wasn't going to skate to it and i wasn't going to chase after harry.

"come get me!" he joked, taking a lap around the rink.

"please! babe, please!" i whined, trying not to move around too much.

"alright, i'm coming," he laughed while skating across the rink towards me. he was skating quite fast, i was starting to wonder how he was going to stop. he tried to stop, but his skates kept on gliding across the ice.

"I'VE GOT NO BRAKES! I'VE GOT NO BRAAAAAAKES!" he yelled as he crashed into me. i tried to skate towards the wall, but it was no use. harry crashed into me, and we both crashed onto the hard ice. my eyes were shut tight, and when i opened them, harry was sitting up gripping his arm.

"i told you this wasn't going to end well, babe," i whispered, laughing.

"ouch, i think i broke my arm..." he winced.

"are you alright? should i call someone or...?"

"yeah, yeah. my phone is in my pocket," he said. i grabbed the phone from his pocket and dialed 911.

"911, what's your emergency?" the operator said.

"hi, it's not very serious, but my dom broke his arm. and i can't drive to the hospital," i explained.

"alright, you're at the somerset house?" she asked.

"yep," i replied.

"alright, an ambulance is on their way. i'm required to stay on the phone until they arrive."


i managed to stand up, and i tried to help harry stand up as well. i could hear the operator laughing from the other side of the line as she listened to me struggle. i fell two times trying to help him up, so we just laid on the ice staring at the night sky, waiting for the ambulance.

when the ambulance arrived, the sirens were loud. there were so many, i didn't understand why there were so many. harry only broke his arm. i heard screams from the outside, the sirens got louder and louder and lou-

"marina, you alright?" liam shook me awake.

"yeah, i'm fine.

it was all a dream...

i noticed red and blue lights flashing from outside. loud sirens were coming from outside of the house.

"you were talking in your sleep. nightmare?" he asked.

"no, it was just loud," i whispered, "what's going on outside?" i asked. i turned towards the window and sat up. i got up and looked out of the window. a car was damaged very badly, it was crashed into a light post. smoke was rising from the engine and ambulances surrounded the vehicle.

"it's a car crash," i told liam.

"oh, well i hope they're alright," liam said while getting up and walking towards the window. we both watched the ambulance put someone onto a stretcher.

"i hope they're alright, too. it looks like a nasty crash," i winced. many people surrounded the area as the policeman directed traffic. my eyes had finally adjusted to the flashing lights and i could finally make out who was on the stretcher. i could recognize that wavy brown hair anywhere.



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