forty four // m

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it has been two weeks. two. long. weeks. harry is still in the hospital, recovering, while i'm with liam. it's not like i don't enjoy his company, but i want to be with my daddy. the doctors and the nurses say that he should be discharged soon, but every passing day gets longer and harder (A/N lol k).

liam walks into the room, "hey, love. you feeling alright?" 

"yeah, just a bit tired and a small headache but i can cope," i sigh, putting my palm to my forehead. 

he walks over to me and places a kiss to my temple, "glad you're okay. i got a call today, they're gonna  let harry out tomorrow." 

"really?" i say excitedly. 

"yeah, but you're gonna have to take extra care of him. he's still a bit beat up. it was a nasty crash," he sighs, knowing that i'm going to leave. he sits on the bed next to me and i sit up next to him.  

"that's fine. if anything, i'll just call you if i need help," i say, resting my head on his shoulder. 

"yeah..." he whispers, looking down. 

"are you alright?" i ask, looking up at him. 

he turns his face towards mine, "i'm just gonna miss having you around, marina." 

his face is incredibly close to mine, "i'm sorry..." 

liam leans closer, testing the waters, "it's... it's fine." 

his hand lightly caresses my jaw, bringing me closer. our lips push against each other, my arms go around his neck which deepens the kiss. 

you shouldn't be doing this... but maybe a little kiss goodbye wouldn't hurt... 

i straddle his lap, our lips still molded together. my small hands are tangled in his hair, pushing the strands around. his hands have travelled down to my hips as i rock them slightly against him. i feel him growing underneath me-- i shouldn't be doing this. 

"marina, if we go any further, you might end up doing something you'll regret," he breaks away from the kiss and looks at me. 

i think for a second before leaning down and lightly pressing kisses up his neck, "a little goodbye never hurt anyone." 

"marina, wait-- this is what harry did to you, and now you're gonna do it to him?" liam asks. 

"he didn't care about me when he did it," i say while sitting up, "he was thinking with his d.îck." 

"and you're thinking with your v.ågina. love, i don't think this is a good idea," he warns, looking down. 

"you're right," i sigh, "i'm sorry." 

"it's fine, don't worry about me, love. i'll probably go to the auction after you go home tomorrow." 

i get off of his lap and lay underneath the covers. he lays down as well, and i snuggle into his chest. his arm wraps around me and soon i'm lulled to sleep. 

// harry's pov - the next day at home // 

i'm home. i'm home and it feels like home. marina is here. my baby girl is back. i'm lying in bed with my legs in casts and one of my arms in a sling. my face has a few bruises on it and the scar on the side of my face is small, so nothing is severely damaged. marina is sitting behind me, my head is in her lap as she plays with my hair. some show is on the tv, but we're not really paying attention to it. her small hands braid my hair, puts it into pigtails and silly hairstyles. she giggles every time she does something weird to my hair, but since i can't see it i enjoy the sound of her beautiful laugh. 

one question is constantly at the back of my mind: what did marina and liam do? 

"so, how was your time with liam?" i ask. i could feel her tense up at the question. 

"yeah," she coughs, "it was good." 

"what'd you guys do?" i interrogate her. 

"well, we went out to eat a couple of times. he took me to the carnival. we went to go see a few movies and most of the time i was just hanging out..." 

"did you sleep in the same bed as him?" 


"did you guys...?" i trailed off. 

she paused before letting out a sigh, "yeah..." 

"princess!" i exclaimed. 

"daddy i'm sorry please stop making me feel bad  i already know what i did was wrong but i just felt like i had to get revenge and-" she rambled. 

"shh, babygirl... it's alright, i guess." i sigh, i couldn't blame her. i did it with brooke, and she was alone with liam in his bed-- it was bound to happen. 

she presses her forehead to the top of my head, her hair falling over my face. 

"kitten, i can't see anything!" i laugh, but i don't receive a chuckle back. "marina?" i ask. then, i hear her sniffle. 

"daddy, i'm sorry..." she whispers. 

"don't cry, princess. daddy's not mad at you." i assure her. she lifts her head up then sits next to me. she carefully sets her head on my chest and buries her head in it. my free arm slowly rubs her back. 

"i love you, daddy." 

"i love you, too, kitten." 

"i'm glad you're okay," she says, "i really missed these birds," she whispers, lightly tapping her finger over the two birds on my chest. 

"i'm glad you're home." 


alrighty! awkward ending/ s.hitty chapter but it's the best i can do. 


i love you all. i hope you enjoyed this even though it sucks... idek what i'm writing anymore. 

:) -m

mr.styles | daddy!kinkजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें